
Posts Tagged stop smoking ebook

Stop Smoking Ebook Video

From the smoking hypnotist: Check out this video I found that shows one man’s journey to being a non smoker. He shows what worked for him and what he thinks is the most important part of that journey.


And I invite you to get your free mini course on self hypnosis with smoking cessation hypnosis.


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Stop Smoking Ebook – Cold Turkey Quit Smoking

I found out that there is no such thing as cold turkey stop smoking.

That’s a strange phrase too, isn’t it?  What does a cold turkey have to do with smoking cigarettes, or stopping smoking cigarettes?  I don’t know, but that has always brought up a very strange image in my mind whenever I think about that phrase.

I read somewhere that a drug addict’s skin starts to get goose bumps when they go through withdrawal.  There was another reference to it somewhere, but wherever it came from you know that it means to stop a drug without any support at all.

Stopping smoking using no support or using a cold turkey approach, isn’t a very good way to stop smoking.  I think the reason for that is that we don’t have any training in how to do a cold turkey withdrawal.  And if you want to know why, just read on.

The reason why cold turkey is a poor way to quit smoking is that there is no such thing as cold turkey quit smoking.  Anyone who has successfully quit cold turkey – and it’s a very small percentage of successful quitters-have something very important in common, and it’s not strong will power!  No way, will power has nothing to do with changing behavior in the long term.  Will power is a very short term product.  Will power will be useful in getting you started in the direction you want to go, but it just won’t get you to the goal post.  What will get you to your ultimate goal is resetting the programing in your subconscious mind.  And the way to do that is through self hypnosis.  Anyone who has quit using cold turkey has naturally used self hypnotic techniques to successfully quit smoking.  The only reason that  so many people fail at cold turkey quit smoking is because they haven’t been trained in using the techniques, and most people don’t know how to do it naturally.

Using self hypnosis is something we are all capable of doing, but it’s like snapping your fingers.  If no one ever showed you how to snap your fingers, you probably wouldn’t have discovered it on your own.  Can you imagine what a tragedy it would be if you never learned how to snap your fingers?  Of course I’m just kidding, but the only reason that you know how to do that simple act is because someone showed you how to do it and then you practiced it until you were able to it.

I invite you to take some free instruction on how to do self hypnosis so that you can effectively use the techniques to stop smoking cigarettes forever.

Fill in the form on this page or for a better version you can go to the stop smoking by hypnosis website.

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Stop Smoking Ebook – New Stop Smoking Videos

Reasons why you continue to think you want cigarettes even thought you really want to stop smoking.
Talk about neuro transmitters and receptor sites that are the medical model for smoking. Not everything is chemical and medically explained in my opinion. So check out some of the other non medical processes that studies have shown have been highly effective to help people stop smoking. Like hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Remember you can stop smoking with hypnosis.Click here to learn more.

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Stop Smoking, Have Better Sex- Many Things Improve When You Stop

You’d be amazed at what you can improve about yourself when you stop smoking.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect when you quit smoking.

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Stop Smoking Ebook – EFT Tapping for Stopping Smoking

This is a great technique to use when you’re in the process of quitting smoking

Anytime you get the thought that you’d like to stop smoking just start this tapping technique and that thought will just melt away. EFT is a technique that combines the Asian acupuncture points with mind/body techniques to allow you control over your emotions and freedom from unconscious and unwanted behaviors.

Use this technique often. It’s easy and readily available for you.

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Stop Smoking Ebook-Hypnosis To Stop Smoking

When you’re feeling more and more like a pariah, and you don’t know what to do to stop smoking

cigarettes, you know it’s time to take some kind of action. That action can be as simple as just reading a stop smoking ebook. Or any type of book that instructs you on the steps to take to stop smoking. I’ve got some free resources on this page, ebooks, and self-hypnosis courses to help you in your search to stop smoking.

Sometimes a more intense approach is necessary. But don’t give up. You can stop smoking, stop smoking forever and when you’ve done that, all the preliminary work will seem worth it.

Take some steps right now! Commit to making this change. Take out a pad and a pen and write in clear letters that you are committed to stopping smoking forever. Put it in whatever language you feel most comfortable with. It’s not really meant for anyone else but you , so if you feel comfortable with a few curse words then put them in, (just don’t tell anyone else who would be offended by it). And of course if you feel most comfortable with the niceties of the English language use whatever prose you like most, that clearly represents you and your feelings and desires.

Now sign that commitment and date it. Put it down and take some concrete steps to eliminating smoking from your life. Read a book, ebook, or listen to a recording. Use self hypnosis techniques to stop smoking, call a friend who has struggled and succeeded. Call a friend who is still a smoker that is as willing as you are to stop smoking. Use them for support in your journey to stop smoking. Perhaps make a joint commitment to stop smoking together. Pick a start date and prepare to stop smoking forever and be done with that silly habit for good.

Take action today, and everything you do will add to the foundation of a non smoker in your future.

Sign up for a stop smoking self hypnosis course, it’s free

Look into this stop smoking ebook to help you stop smoking it’s free too! If it doesn’t work you get your money back, and if it does work you save lot’s of money by not smoking!

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A Stop Smoking Ebook Will Not Make You A Non-Smoker

Reading A Stop Smoking Ebook Will Not Make You A Non-Smoker!

You will continue to smoke away, even while reading an ebook that is designed to help you stop. In fact nothing will make you stop smoking. You will smoke forever and probably be more down on yourself, even while reading a stop smoking ebook without this simple knowledge. Without doing this simple little thing, this one vital little step, no amount of reading or help will work for you. And here’s what that step is. Are you ready? Nothing will change unless you decide to make a change.

Once that decision is made, change happens. Your attitude shifts and you start doing things inline with that new attitude

A Stop Smoking Ebook Is Not That Attitude.

Reading it will get you ready to accept that attitude, but you’re the one that has to do the heavy lifting. So if you aren’t ready to accept the attitude that you are now a non-smoker then don’t invest anything to become one. Don’t invest the time necessary to read it. Don’t invest the time you need to download it. Don’t invest the money to buy it. Stay a smoker.

Now if you are determined to become a non-smoker and the preceding paragraph has just instilled a desire to “prove me wrong”, then you’re on the right path. If the above paragraph has just added reasons for you to continue smoking, then by all means use them that way and continue smoking. It’s your health, your life, and it won’t affect me at all whether you continue to smoke or not.

What if you’re still wanting to quit, but just can’t identify with the personna of a non-smoker? Are you doomed to remain a smoker forever? Absolutely not! This is a good reaction too. It means that you really do have a desire to stop smoking so you need to start your journey to stop smoking a little further back. Kinda like crawling before we walk, or rolling onto our stomachs before we crawl. You need to find the tools necessary to build up the attitude and identity of a non-smoker.

You Are A Non-Smoker

You know you have that identity of a non-smoker already. You, like me, were born a non-smoker. You have all your first years on this planet being a non-smoker. Some of the most important, and longest lasting lessons you learned was during this phase of your development. So it’s still plugged in there. Inside you. You just need to find a way to access all of those non-smoker lessons.

In Summary

The main takeaway from all this, is that if you want to be a non-smoker, and it’s your personal choice, then you will become one. You will not find a stop smoking ebook that will just give you that attitude. Remember the sentiments of Winston Churchill, (funny that his name is a famous cigarette brand, isn’t it?), “never give in, never give in, never give in.


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