
Posts Tagged effect of smoking

Ways To Stop Smoking – Simply The Best

One of the first ways to stop smoking is to admit your addiction. You are an addict and the sooner you realize that, the easier it will be for you to stop. Since people fail to believe or perhaps understand just how addictive nicotine and the other chemicals found in cigarettes are, they give themselves a hard time for not being able to stop.

What does nylon and embalming fluid have in common? You will find both of them in cigarettes and they are only two of over 4000 chemicals in these cancer sticks. So if you needed any extra motivation to quit, now you have it.

The best way to give up is to do it now. Don’t think about, don’t prepare for it just do it. Think of all the reasons why you want to cease. You want to smell better, look better, and feel better for a start. Are you finding that you quickly become breathless when doing something simple like walking up a hill? Perhaps your kids or family are giving you hassle about your habit and the effects on you and them.

As soon as you stop smoking, you will add years onto your life regardless of how old you are and how many cigarettes you currently smoke. When you quit, it will take upwards of two weeks for the nicotine and other chemicals to leave your system. During this time, the cravings for another smoke may get quite severe. It really does depend from person to person and the ironic thing is that it doesn’t appear to be related to how many you used to smoke. All you can do is take it one day at a time and reward yourself for every day you don’t succumb. After the third day, it should get much easier.

When you first stop smoking you may find that you crave sweet things. This is because nicotine interferes with our blood sugars and when you withdraw the drug; your blood sugars can become very unstable. Rather than eating bags of candy try counteracting this reaction with fruit such as bananas and also with fruit juice. You should speak to your doctor if these sugar cravings last longer than three days as they may be the symptom of an underlying illness. Your medical practice will also be able to provide you with some nutrition advice on how to follow a healthy eating plan. Healthy eating and being a smoker don’t usually go hand in hand so as part of your recovery, this is one area of your life you will wish to revisit. You will be amazed at how good food begins to taste as your taste buds recover from the constant doses of nicotine.

There are many ways to stop smoking but all of them start with one person – you.

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Quit Smoking Tips – Heaps Of Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

There are lots of reasons to give up smoking cigarettes and lots of people are really keen to make that move from being an habitual smoker to being a non smoker. So, to that end, I would like to offer some quit smoking tips.

Make a plan. Decide on the day that you will quit smoking – it could be your New Years resolution or just a period in your life when you know you can give it a good try.
Pay a visit to your doctor for advice on helping you to quit smoking. They will help you to decide which will be the best method for you.
If you are planning to use one of the very useful replacement therapies such as nicotine patches, gum, inhalers etc. make sure you have a good supply so you don’t run out.
Do not try and give up smoking on a Monday morning when you know that you will have to go to work.
Make your first day of being a non smoker a day when you can concentrate on doing pleasurable things to take your mind off that cigarette.
If you can find someone who is trying to give up smoking at the same time, it could prove to be a great motivator for you. You could support each other to help reach your goal of becoming a non smoker. A phone call to someone who knows how you are feeling if you are tempted to light a cigarette is sometimes very helpful.
Try and avoid situations where you will be in the company of smokers. If your best friend is a smoker, tell him/her that you will not be available for a couple of weeks because you need to avoid the temptation. You never know, it may just give them the incentive to quit too.
Take up a hobby that involves using your hands, such as needlework or woodwork. This makes it impossible to hold a cigarette at the same time.
A lot of people habitually light up after a meal, so find an alternative to the cigarette – go for a walk or do the dishes – anything to take your mind off that cigarette.
Write down all the reasons that make you want to give up smoking.
Add up the annual cost of your cigarettes – you will probably be shocked at how much you actually spend!
Consider the people around you who are affected by your smoking. If you have children, think about them being forced to be in your company when you light a cigarette. Passive smoking can affect the health of your family and you do not want to be the cause of them contracting a respiratory disease or worse.
These are just a few quit smoking tips to start you off. But the only person who can do this is you. You just have to make the ultimate decision and believe that you can do it.

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Stop Smoking Aids – What You Need To Know

There are many stop smoking aids on the market today. In fact, if you were cynical you may believe that the tobacco manufacturers, who are seeing a dip in profits as well as facing prospective legal action, may have seen another source of profit. They could provide stop smoking aids!

A study in Australia in 2006 confirmed that over 80% of successful non smokers i.e. those that had quit smoking had done it themselves by going cold turkey. They didn’t use any stop smoking aids but simply stopped. So the best stop smoking aid is your own mind. Make a decision to cease and stick to it.

But if you feel that you need an aid to help you quit, here are some of the most common ones available:

Nicotine gum, patches or inhalers: The idea behind these stop smoking aids is that chewing the gum or using nasal sprays helps you to deal with nicotine cravings. There is no doubt that nicotine is such a powerful drug, the cravings it can induce can be extremely difficult for some people to deal with. By chewing this gum or sticking a patch on your leg or arm, your system is still getting its fix of nicotine albeit in smaller quantities. This is much better than smoking cigarettes which contain over 4000 different chemicals of which over 60 are proven to be carcinogenic.

But there are people who have got addicted to the nicotine gum, patches and pills and are having trouble coming off this nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine in any form is dangerous causing a build up of plague on blood cells which can lead to heart disease. So avoid it where possible and only use as a short term aid.

Medications: Your doctor can prescribe some medications that are not nicotine based. The most well known would be the brand names Zyban and Chantix. Zyban is an anti-depressant that also acts as a non smoking aid. Chantix, approved in 2006, works with the neurotransmitters in your brain interfering with how you react to nicotine. Your body does not get the same pleasure or fix from using the nicotine. Neither of these drugs are suitable for long term use and wouldn’t be prescribed usually for pregnant or breastfeeding women. They can also cause some unpleasant side effects such as nausea and bowel disturbances. But both have been proven to help some people quit smoking.

Other stop smoking aids include hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga and aromatherapy and are worth a try. Some herbal remedies such as Lobelia and St John’s Wort, have helped some people to quit smoking. But, as these products interfere with other medications, they are not suitable for a variety of patients and can be quite addictive their own right, you may want to give these particular stop smoking aids a miss.

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The Role Of Commitment In Quit Smoking

Smoking is an addiction which is quite difficult to quit, even though some people are aware of the health hazards connected with it but they are helpless when they want to quit smoking. As they have a fear lurking behind them as this addiction digs its claws deep and people need a lot of will power and support from their loved ones to quit smoking.

Many people end up smoking continuously because they haven’t done something concrete that can aid them to quit smoking. The first thing that they should concentrate on is commitment and if you are motivated to quit then only you can move forward and stop the bad habit. Without motivation and commitment you are just fooling yourself that you want to stop smoking.

The moment you make a commitment and abide by it you will surely see the difference as this is the first step that conditions you to quit smoking. There are many physiologic and psychological factors that need to be handled when you try to break the habit of smoking and for this reason it is always easy if you join a support group which will keep you motivated to quit smoking for good.

A support group helps you to stay focused to quit smoking as you can certainly learn a lot from others’ experiences. You also benefit with their failure and successes in quitting the habit as through it you can mend your ways and avail the maximum benefit. In addition it will also make you feel positive in life that you are not the only one addicted to smoking but there are many others like you. Plus when you share your experiences many others can also benefit and learn a lot from them. Hanging with your support group will really help you out and will be more rewarding than you can imagine.

Smoking is actually nicotine addiction and it never goes off completely though it can lessen with due time. But the cravings return and the moment you go weak you start to puff away at the first cigarette that comes within your reach.

The habit of smoking not only affects your body’s health but also has a negative impact on your mind as well. It is easy to quit the physical craving by starting off with a healthy habit but it is the psychological craving that is the main culprit that pulls you back into smoking.

There are many alternative ways to quit smoking and you can easily get all the information from the internet and try to choose the quit smoking aid that suits you best. More and more people like the idea of trying out new alternate ways so that they can avoid the medications and find healthy solutions to quitting smoking. Some people prefer to follow the hypnotism method while others prefer to use the acupuncture or laser treatment. But it is always best to take the advice professionals who will guide you in the best way to quit smoking.

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How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes – What Is The Easiest Way?

So you want to quit smoking cigarettes but are unsure how to start? Congratulations, you have made the first and probably the hardest step – you have made the decision to stop. Now you can start the rest of your life as a non smoker.

Going cold turkey gives you the best chance of success. Nicotine is a very addictive substance and only one of many such products found in cigarettes. Once you have been smoking for any length of time, your body requires a certain level of these substances and will crave that level regardless of whether you stop smoking completely or reduce it significantly. For that reason, you might as well only cope with these cravings one time around and try going cold turkey. Otherwise you are prolonging your own torture period although it won’t seem like this at the time.

If suddenly stopping appears to be too much for you speak to your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy. It is possible to get nicotine patches, gum and inhalers to help alleviate these cravings. But don’t exchange one habit for another. Some people get as addicted to the replacement as they were to the original.

When you stop smoking drink plenty of water as it will help to flush the toxins out of your body. Depending on how long you have been smoking and your consumption, it could take up to two weeks for the nicotine and other chemicals to fully leave your body. Once that happens your cravings will reduce considerably. This doesn’t mean that you will never want another cigarette. You will have some mental associations with smoking that will require work but the physical craving for nicotine does disappear.

Don’t spend too long thinking about how to quit smoking cigarettes. If you speak to any successful ex-smoker, someone who has given up, they will tell you that they decided one day to stop smoking and just did it. Sure it might help if that day isn’t the most stressful day at the office like the end of month accounts if you are the company accountant. Often people got a cold or flu and couldn’t smoke as it make them more miserable. They took this as an opportunity to stop and gave up.

Be realistic with yourself and take it one step at a time, one day after the other. It may only take seven days to form a habit but it can take longer to break one. Try to pinpoint all the events that trigger you wanting to smoke. This could be meeting certain friends, going to specific venues, drinking coffee or alcohol. When you recognize the potential weak spots, you can do something to avoid them. Anything that helps you to quit smoking cigarettes is worth a try.

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The Truth About Quitting Smoking Hypnosis

Anyone trying to stop smoking needs help they can get. It’s one of the best things they can do for their health and general well-being but it’s never very easy for anyone. Quitting smoking hypnosis however can be a big help and anyone looking to kick the habit should consider it.

While results very, it can be extremely effective for some people. I know one person who stop completely after only one group hypnosis session. That’s certainly the exception, but it does work that way for some lucky people. More commonly, people report success rates between 10 and 30% using hypnosis along to stop smoking.

Some people hesitate to consider quitting smoking hypnosis because they have misconceptions. There are several reasons for this.

For one thing, Hollywood has painted a picture of hypnosis that is generally negative. Very frequently, a hypnotist is portrayed as slightly sinister and manipulative rather than as a supportive and helpful therapist.

Hollywood’s portrayal of anyone undergoing hypnosis isn’t any more flattering. They are weak willed and easily influenced by the strong personality of the hypnotist.

The reality is quite the opposite. The people who are most successful with hypnosis are curious, creative and have a high level of self-confidence.

Another major reason for failure to accept hypnotism as a valid treatment was medical professions hesitancy in acknowledging its value. For many years, the American Medical Association considered practicing hypnosis a breach of professional conduct. It wasn’t until the work of Dr. Milton Erickson that they change their position acknowledged that hypnotism could be a very useful therapy.

Some people hesitate to consider hypnosis because they’re afraid of giving up control to the hypnotist. Nothing could be further from the reality. The person under hypnosis retains full control of all time. They can never be made to accept a suggestion that contradicts any strongly held value that they have.

Another fact is that we all commonly experience brief periods of trance every day. Have you ever found yourself daydreaming with no awareness of where you wore until some action or event brought you back? You were in a trance.

Many of us have had the experience of driving by our exit on a freeway, arriving at destination without any real recollection of how we got there. Again, we were in the type of trance.

The aim of hypnosis is to purposely induce an altered state of consciousness that allows more direct communication with the subconscious. In this state is possible to reinforce ideas and beliefs that will support the desired attitude and outcome. In this case, that is to quit smoking.

I think you can see that is highly desirable to have your subconscious in agreement with your conscious mind to help you reach your goal and hypnosis is an excellent way to do that.

However, I think of hypnosis more as an additional aid. As I mentioned above, the success rate using hypnosis alone is rather low. However, using hypnosis as part of a comprehensive quitting smoking system is very helpful. Combined with other methods, the results are much better than they would be with a single method alone.

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Suggested Quit Smoking Timeline

If you want to quit smoking, it’s not an easy task. Many people have been smoking for years, and if that’s you, you’re not alone. If you’ve been smoking for years, too, giving up the habit can be very difficult. Nonetheless, if you want quit smoking you certainly can.

What’s a suggested “quit smoking” timeline, if you want to give up cigarettes? It depends on your own circumstances, but there are some things you can expect.

There are lots of products out there that can help you quit smoking without having to go through severe nicotine withdrawals, which may cause you to pick up the habit again simply because you can’t do without nicotine. If that’s a problem for you, these nicotine replacement products (like nicotine patches and gum) can give you just a little bit of nicotine that you can slowly wean off of as you go.

If you decide to “go cold turkey” and quit smoking altogether without using any of these nicotine replacement products for support, it may be a bit more difficult to quit smoking, but you can do it.

What’s generally going to happen the first day you quit smoking is that you won’t necessarily crave a cigarette except as a habit; you may feel less focused than usual and less alert.

Within the next 24 hours after that, you cravings for nicotine are going to become very strong and you will be very tempted to begin smoking. Hang in there, because your body is ridding itself of nicotine, and this takes about three to four days altogether.

The third day may be the worst, whereby you are simply going to want to smoke and nothing else. You may have difficulty focusing on anything, including work. Constipation and excessive coughing are also symptoms of your body ridding itself of nicotine, as your body adjusts to not having it.

By day five, you should begin to feel better and your cravings should be less. You should begin to notice that you can breathe better and that your ability to smell and taste food will begin to return to you. These are things that usually disappear, largely, when you smoke, so you’ll begin to enjoy the fact that you don’t smoke because you’ve got these two senses back.

After about the fifth day, your physical withdrawal should be pretty much complete. You’ll begin to notice that you “feel cleaner,” that your teeth are brighter, your skin is clearer, and that you won’t smell so strongly of smoke. These are all beneficial effects that will help make staying away from cigarettes easier.

Although the physical withdrawal from cigarette smoking is pretty much done by the end of the first week for most people, the psychological effects of smoking are very strong as well, and those cravings may not ever go away entirely. You may also begin to notice that your appetite will pick up significantly after you quit smoking, which is one reason why so many people gain weight after they quit smoking.

Both the psychological aspect of cigarette addiction and the propensity to gain weight after you quit smoking can be managed by changes in behavior. One of the psychological components of cigarette addiction is that it gives you something to put in your mouth and something to “do” with your hands. So, picking up hobbies like knitting and keeping healthy things around to munch on, like carrot sticks, will help manage these behaviors so that you don’t go back to smoking.

Again, it can be very difficult to quit smoking cigarettes once you start, but it can be done. Many people have successfully done so, and it’s up to you to determine a method that’s best for you, whether it’s by quitting cold turkey or using supportive measures.

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Dealing With The Quitting Smoking Side Effects

There are many good reasons to quit smoking these days, both health benefits, and the fact that more and more states are banning smoking from not only restaurants and bars, but also from many public places. For whatever reasons you have to quit, there are an abundance of methods to help you quit. The real problem with quitting your habit, is that it is one of the worst addictions, and in most cases, even worse than drugs or alcohol. Nicotine addiction is considered worse than even a heroine addiction in most cases.

One of the problems with quitting smoking is the side effects and withdraw symptoms associated with it. The longer you have been a smoker, the worse it often is, and that is why so many people fail at least once before finally kicking the habit. Smoking has been a way out for many people who have stressful jobs, problems, at home etc. If you get stressed out, you smoke a cigarette. You may smoke after a meal, or as soon as you get up in the morning. Smokers who drink alcohol often smoke much more than when they aren’t drinking, and many see drinking and smoking go hand in hand.

If you are serious about quitting smoking, there is help for withdrawal symptoms. There are lozenges, patches and pills that help to slowly reduce the amount of nicotine in your body. These can help you with the physical effects of withdrawal. In order to really stop smoking you also need to change your habits as well. If you have friends that are still smoking, you should stop hanging around them all the time, because just having it around you can trigger cravings, and you are still smoking, by second hand smoke.

If your friends can’t understand that you aren’t hanging around them in order to be sure you don’t smoke again, maybe you need different friends. A true friend will figure out ways to hang out with you without smoking, like just refraining while you are with them. Maybe it is time for them to also stop smoking, and maybe you can help them quit the habit. It is important for people with addictions, whether it is from smoking or drugs or alcohol to have some kind of support group, where you can talk with others who have also quit smoking.

Another problem with dealing with the side effects of quitting smoking is stress. For many years you may have used smoking as a way to relieve stress, no matter where it originates from. You need to figure out different ways to alleviate your stress levels. One of the ways to reduce stress in your life is through meditation, deep breathing exercises and many other techniques. It may mean that you have to use a variety of different methods until you find one that works, or a combination of things.

No matter what your particular side effects are, know this. One, you are not alone, in both your desires to quit, and the problems and side effects related to quitting smoking. Two, these withdraw symptoms won’t last forever, and in most cases are completely out of your system within a few months. No matter kinds of side effects you are having, remember the personal reasons you are quitting, and use those to your advantage.

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Behaviors Of Smoking

Smoking is a dependency not just smoking a cigarette. Many people use smoking as a way to calm down or relax. Some people try to substitute things like food or gum when they are trying to quit smoking, but they are just covering the problem not getting rid of the problem. There is more to quitting than just stopping. There many psychological, emotional, and withdraw that a person will go through when they stop smoking.

You must understand that in order to quit and stay that way you need to find healthy ways to deal with quitting smoking. You must also understand that you have an addiction that is not just going to go away right from the start. You must first start to control the cravings of smoking.
Quitting smoking is going to be one of the hardest things you have done and by no means will it be easy. The quickest and most effective way to quit smoking is to quit psychologically first. This is the most important thing to stop smoking. You also need to understand why you smoke in the first place so you will know to stay away from those things that make you want to smoke. More than likely you smoke from addiction and it is something that comforts you when you are upset.

Life itself can throw you enough curve balls to make you want to smoke, but it is healthier to just find other routes of handling stress. Some ways could be take a walk, take deep breathes, or do something you enjoy. No one is born smoking it is just a habit they have picked up throughout life. Smoking is just an artificial release of the problem and it returns as soon as the cigarette is gone. You need to remember what your life was like before you started smoking like how you could breathe better, run a lot further, and have better circulation.

Smoking is not only a habit it is a disease. No matter what form of smoking you use it is all the same. To truly quite smoking you must find healthy ways to quit. This means not replacing one addiction with another.

The hardest part smoker’s face is fighting the cravings. It is all about how you perceive smoking. You need to find out what barriers are there to keep you from quitting smoking and overcome those areas first. By doing this you get the smaller problems of quitting out of the way so you will be able to deal with the much harder issues with quitting smoking better. There is no quick fix or way to just put them down without a very strong mental and emotional will power. Once you understand your relationship with smoking you will be able to find the best way for you to quit.

Do not go to programs where all you do is rearrange the problem instead of cure the problem. Find ways to quit smoking that is best for you and do not stop fight through the cravings and use healthy ways of getting past them and you will be on your way to a smoke free life and a much healthier way of living.

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Why Tobacco Is Bad For You – How To Avoid Damages Caused By Smoking Tobacco

The reasons why tobacco is bad for you are countless. You already know that smoking is bad for your health. But do you really realize just how bad it is? Cigarettes kill more people every year than car accidents, homicide, AIDS, suicide, and illicit drugs-all added together. But yet millions of people continue to smoke and young people are starting every day.

Reports show that 46.2 million people in the United States currently smoke. That is 22.8% of the adult population or almost one in every four people. If they continue to smoke their chances of becoming a victim of the horrible effects of smoking tobacco will continue to increase. Their chances of falling victim to lung, throat, or mouth cancer are greatly increased. Their chances of developing a deadly lung disease like COPD become greater and greater.

Most everyone who smokes know they are taking a risk with their health yet they continue to smoke; why? By quitting smoking they can save themselves from becoming one of the statistics, but they smoke on. Why is that?

Many say that quitting smoking is too difficult, or that they lack the “will power” to kick their smoking habit. That is just not true. There are 44 million people in the US who have quit smoking. Are they somehow stronger than you, or did they have some kind of iron will that helped them to stop? No, they just were persistent and found the right method for them to stop smoking.

On average it takes a smoker four attempts to quit smoking. Some more, some less. No matter how many times you have tried to quit smoking do not give up, your next attempt could very well be the one that “sticks.”

If you are serious about quitting smoking do not try to quit “cold turkey.” You have about a 5% chance that way, you may eventually quit but it will most likely take many attempts. If you really want to kick the habit you should find a stop smoking method to help.

You have many options, but one that stands out above the rest is NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It has been used as a smoking cessation tool by therapists for a long time but is becoming more popular because of how well it works. In a test recently conducted NLP techniques were used on 5,000 smokers. Six months after the test 97.2% of the participants were still smoke-free.

Like hypnotherapy NLP works by targeting the subconscious mind and removing the cravings to smoke. Unlike hypnotherapy, you do not have to consult a professional to gain the benefits of NLP. There are NLP audio recordings available online that you can listen to in your own home that will help you easily quit smoking.

Since NLP benefits are gained just by listening to an audio recording it is all natural with none of the side effects or on-going costs associated with medications. One of the reasons why tobacco is bad for you is because it contains thousands of chemicals. If you want stop smoking why take more chemicals to do so? Use a completely natural smoking cessation technique like NLP.

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