
Posts Tagged cigartte

Stop Smoking Tip – How To Find Your Own Way To Quit

Then you finally understand the harm of fumes that you are inhaling to your longs every day and start to search for stop smoking tip, you not expecting to find that magic button that will leave you smoke free, are you? I hope not, because it does not exist.

Then you trying to quit smoking, you are confronting two “monsters”. One is nicotine addiction and the other is your own subconscious mind, which is thinking that smoking is a natural process to your body, but we all know it is not. It all started years ago then we lighted the cigarette for the first time and after first inhalation of fumes our body was refusing it followed by coughing. But we carried on and on till our bodies adopted this poison. As it took some time to get use to smoking, it will also take some time to stop.

Couple years ago I asked a friend for quit smoking advice and he answered me with a question: “Which methods have you tried?” That was probably the best stop smoking tip I ever had.

Finding your own way

Nowadays there is a plenty ways to chose from. Hypnotherapy, nicotine replacements, electronic cigarette, stop smoking pills, herbal medicine, stop smoking tea and many more. There is no perfect solution for everybody, that is why the best stop smoking tip will be to try them all until you find the right one. Some might say these treatments are quite expensive. But then you think about it, if you tried one of the methods and say, after two weeks you failed, then what you got is a tick on the list that this method is not working and move to the next one. During them two weeks while trying to quit you did not smoke that much, did you? So when you count the cost of cigarettes and how much you spent on your treatment, it works out not that expensive at all. On top of that, you are trying to live healthier. How much would it cost you and your family if you get a lung cancer?

It might be beneficial to combine couple products/methods together and if that did not work try another combination. Simple stop smoking tip: it is very important to tell people around you that you are trying to quit smoking. Some of them maybe will be skeptical about your decision, but most of them will try to support you and it will give you more confidence. Even if you failed, do not judge your self for it, just give another try when you ready. There is a way to quit for everyone, its only needs to be found. And remember- the most expensive and precious thing in our life is a health of yours and your loved ones.

http://electronic-e-cigarette.us is one of the best resource to dig about electronic cigarette on the internet.find out more about electronic cigarette at http://electronic-e-cigarette.us here you will get ideas of electronic cigarette.for more information about electronic cigarette,please click the link

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Unclip Your Electronic Leash – Really Be Where You Are And Your Sales And Relationships Will Blossom

Do you want to see your sales soar, your relationships blossom, and your stress level decrease? Unclip your electronic leash. That’s right, turn off your mobile phone or better yet, leave it in the car when you arrive at a business meeting, networking event, or dinner with a loved one. Before you immediately dismiss the idea, consider the following.

As hard as it may be to believe, back in the last century there was a time when no one had a mobile phone. No one had access to the current Tweets from their friends, texts from their co-workers or weather updates from the web. And people got along just fine.

Opportunity and outstanding situation marketing has driven us to believe that we should not (or cannot) function without our mobile device. We have been conditioned to believe that we are less effective, less connected, and less important without a mobile phone. And while recent studies indicate that people feel more stressed if they are without their mobile phone, these same studies indicate that the use of electronic communication is a tool to help people find “real world friends” (Keeping it real… ‘Offline’ communications still key to connecting with ‘Digital Generation’ DSSResources) . In essence, people use mobile phones to enhance, not create relationships that matter.

And in a relationship that matters, what behaviors do you exhibit? When you are with a premier client, do you answer your mobile phone or text to others? When sharing an intimate dinner with your mate, do you text to others or receive calls from friends? If you do, stop it now.

Aren’t there times when you intuitively know that you should silence your phone or leave it behind? Would you answer your phone in a theatre? At the symphony? In the library? Society is changing its tolerance of mobile phones and the abusers who use them. The signs are everywhere. In banks, at retail check out counters, and at virtually every governmental agency, mobile phone use is no longer permitted.

The reasons are many, but the simplest explanation is that we no longer wish to be told we are less important than the person who isn’t even here. When you answer a mobile phone call or text a friend in the presence of others, you are telling them that they are not as important as the people you want to connect with who aren’t with you right now.

The biggest problem we have with mobile phones is they have become habitual. Just like yawning, when others look at their phones or are texting, we feel compelled to look or text too. Mobile phones are arguably the cigarettes of the new society. We unknowingly light them up by checking for texts, messages, and missed calls. For many, making a call the moment they get in the car has become a habit, just like lighting a cigarette was in the past.

Clearly there are times and circumstances where keeping your phone accessible is required. You wife is expecting a child, you are expecting an important call, or you work in a field where you are on call. The examples of acceptable reasons to keep your phone handy are as ubiquitous as phones themselves. But stop for a moment and ask, “Do I really need my phone right now?”

Try this test. Look back through your call and text log over the past day. How many calls and texts did you make and receive? How many of those calls and texts were crucial? How many were time sensitive? How many really mattered at that moment? You’ll find that most of the interactions on your mobile device are brain candy. They keep you occupied. And occupied while with a significant client or loved one is distracted. You lose.

When you begin to focus on the people in front of you as much as you do your mobile device, you will begin to change the nature of your relationships. Better relationships are the source of more sales and less stress. Lose the leash.

http://electronic-e-cigarette.us is one of the best resource to dig about electronic cigarette on the internet.find out more about electronic cigarette at http://electronic-e-cigarette.us here you will get ideas of electronic cigarette.for more information about electronic cigarette,please click the link

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Quit Cigarette Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit that can cause health problems and death in those that smoke, but also in those that are constantly exposed to second hand smoke. Those that want to quit cigarette smoking have a tough road in front of them, but many former smokers have shown that kicking the habit is possible. All a person needs to quit smoking is persistence and the right tools to help them succeed.

In the United States alone, there are nearly 50 million smokers over the age of eighteen. These smokers take in a large number of carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents, with each puff on the cigarette. Carcinogens account for a higher risk of stroke, heart attack, emphysema, and a large number of cancers. And these conditions do not affect smokers alone. Those living with smokers can also develop similar health issues by being exposed to second hand smoke, which in many cases is more toxic than first hand smoke. Luckily, there are many products and resources available for those that want to quite smoking.

The best way for a person to quit cigarette smoking is to approach the issue with a clear goal in mind. This means that a smoker should start the quitting process by setting a deadline when they will be able to go without cigarettes permanently. The smoker must tell friends, family and coworkers about their plan in order for this process to work. This helps to keep a smoker on track when more people are there to support their goals. It is also recommended for a smoker to talk to their physician prior to quitting for additional support and advice on the topic.

Some smokers will need more than willpower to get through the first days and weeks after quitting. This is why there are many effective products on the market to help smokers ease their cravings for nicotine, the addictive substance in cigarettes. Everything from gum to patches and even electronic cigarettes have successfully worked for thousands of smokers trying to quit.

Quit-smoking programs are also available for smokers that need the support of other people that know what they are going through. A quit-smoking program puts the action of quitting into a group effort. This not only offers an incentive to keep working at it, but most programs also provide useful information for participants. This information includes understanding why a person smokes, how to handle the most stressful moments in the cessation process, and tips to help resist the urge to smoke without replacing it with another addicting habit.

If a smoker is truly interested in quitting, there are many resources available. To meet specific goals in the process by setting up a customized program is an easy way to begin the process. A cessation group can also help a smoker focused with their goals. And if they hit a bump in the road, products and medication can see them through to the next phase in the quitting process.

http://electronic-e-cigarette.us is one of the best resource to dig about electronic cigarette on the internet.find out more about electronic cigarette at http://electronic-e-cigarette.us here you will get ideas of electronic cigarette.for more information about electronic cigarette,please click the link

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Using Patches To Stop Smoking

When you first take on quitting smoking, you might feel like a little external help is welcomed. In these cases, you might want to consider using stop smoking patches.

The way these work is that they are a replacement way for you to continue getting your nicotine. Basically, using quit smoking patches you’re addressing the psychological addiction first, and the physical one afterwards.

When you’re using what goes under the name of ‘replacement methods’ (and this includes quit smoking patches, as well as nicotine gum and electronic cigarettes), you’re still getting your fix, and so you’re not yet experiencing withdrawal symptoms. This way, it will be easier for you to deal with the psychological addiction. But let’s see what exactly is this psychological addiction, so we can truly understand the importance of the quit smoking patches.

When you are addicted to a drug such as cigarettes (or, more to the point, the nicotine in cigarettes) you develop some habits. In order for your body to keep on getting its fix, it will make it seem unimaginable to go through an entire day without the drug. This way, your brain will create some patterns that you feel you MUST follow or else. Such “patterns” come down to: you being used to smoke when you took a break from work; or when you had your coffee; or when you were in a fight with someone; or when you were happy about something; and so on. When you’ve decided to beat your addiction and use quit smoking patches to do so, you should remember that you’re already getting your ‘fix’. So whenever you have a quit smoking patch on you and you really really feel like smoking, that is just the psychological addiction talking, because you HAVE nicotine in your body.

You will need to be very aware of this thing, so that you don’t just end up using quit smoking patches AND cigarettes. Although it may seem like a really difficult task right now, I can assure you from my own experience that it is not; not as long as you stay focused and remember the reasons you’re doing this. Keep in your mind that this is an addiction, and that you do not, in fact, want to smoke. If at some point you really, really feel like you WANT a cigarette, you must remember that you don’t. Because if you did, you would not have decided to quit smoking. It’s just a mean little game nicotine is playing with your mind. But since it’s YOUR mind, YOU have all it takes to win the game.

And if you decide to go for the quit smoking patches, pay extra attention to the game, and really try to concentrate on beating the psychological addiction. Once you’ve succeeded in doing this, the battle is half won. After that, you will only need to gradually decrease the amount of patches or the concentration of nicotine you use in your quit smoking patches, and you’ll start beating the physical addiction as well. And, before you know it, you’re as good as new, your body is regaining its health, and you’ll start feeling better that you have been in a long time!

http://electronic-e-cigarette.us is one of the best resource to dig about electronic cigarette on the internet.find out more about electronic cigarette at http://electronic-e-cigarette.us here you will get ideas of electronic cigarette.for more information about electronic cigarette,please click the link

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How To Quit Smoking Without Withdrawal Symptoms

Quitting smoking is not as easy as we think it is. It is not so difficult either, if you really want to quit. The real challenge is to make up your mind to quit this habit. The moment you take it up as a challenge it is half done. Normally we do not take it seriously and assume that we can quit it any time,but that time never comes unless we really want to quit.

What are the reasons that we start smoking in the first place. People have different reasons to start smoking. A teenager normally starts smoking to feel grown up. Actually he stops his growth the moment smoking becomes his habit. Nicotine has a peculiar quality. The more you have nicotine the more you crave for it. Its reverse is also true. The less you smoke the lesser you feel like smoking. Now the real question is how to quit it, if we get addicted to it. I have experienced the kind of withdrawal symptoms one has to go through before quitting this habit for good. Here are some simple tips I have found to be very effective.

1. As I said that the more you smoke the more you feel like smoking, we should first make a list of benefits and ill effects of cigarette. The only benefit of smoking is that we get a high temporarily. Within half an hour of the last puff, the high is no longer there. We can make a long list of ill effects of smoking. I need not emphasise, no matter who you are, ill effects of smoking are always on the higher side than the benefits, no matter how you justify you smoking habit. Now ask yourself if it is really worth to spend money to ruin your health and vitality. I am sure your answer will be no.

2. Once the list is complete pin it up somewhere in your house or work place so that you can easily have look at it whenever you wish. Read the ill effects whenever you have time, and convince yourself that you really want to get rid of this habit, as the benefits in terms of saving money and health is one of the greatest motivating factor. Calculate how much you can save if you do not smoke. It is always a good amount.

3. Cigarette reduces oxygen carrying capacity of lungs, but the good news is it can be increased if we start exercising regularly. Breathing exercises are the best to increase our lungs’ oxygen carrying capacity. Try to take deep breath when you feel like smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke as you take more oxygen in place of nicotine.

4. You can also take something else in place of cigarette. Water is the best option, drink a few glasses of water when it is time to smoke. It will kill your urge to smoke for a few hours. Drink as much water as you can because it not only reduces your urge to smoke but also cleanses your digestive and other systems.

5. Try quitting it cold turkey instead of quitting it slowly. Quitting slowly means you have not been able to convince yourself that it will make you more healthy and wealthy. So repeat the point 1 and 2 mentioned above and once you are convinced start with point 3.

http://electronic-e-cigarette.us is one of the best resource to dig about electronic cigarette on the internet.find out more about electronic cigarette at http://electronic-e-cigarette.us here you will get ideas of electronic cigarette.for more information about electronic cigarette,please click the link

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Electronic Cigarette – The Next Quit Smoking Device

Ever since the public became aware about the dangers of smoking a few decades ago, many people have found quitting the tobacco habit hard. Companies have been innovating and manufacturing smoking cessation products for many years now. From nicotine patches to gum, nicotine addicts have been using them to quit their habit.

Electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes and electric cigarettes)are the newest product on the market. They are designed to look and feel like real cigarettes, even down to emitting artificial smoke however they do not actually contain any tobacco. Users inhale nicotine vapour which looks like smoke without any of the carcinogens found in tobacco smoke which are harmful to the smoker and others around him.

The Electronic cigarette consists of a nicotine cartridge containing liquid nicotine. When a user inhales, a tiny battery powered atomizer turns a small amount of liquid nicotine into vapour. Inhaling nicotine vapour gives the user a nicotine hit in seconds rather than minutes with patches or gum. When the user inhales, a small LED light at the tip of the electronic cigarette glows orange to simulate a real cigarette.

The nicotine cartridges themselves come in various strengths. Most of the major brands, such as the Gamucci electronic cigarette have full strength, half strength and minimal strength. This is designed for people who want to quit smoking. As they get used to using the electronic cigarette, they can gradually reduce the strength they use until they quit.

The main advantages electronic cigarettes have over nicotine patches or gum is firstly, users have the nicotine hit much quicker and secondly, because a big reason why smokers fail to quit suing patches and gum is because they still miss the act of inhaling smoke from a cylindrical object. The electronic cigarette emulates that even down to the smoke.

The electronic cigarette is also beneficial from a financial perspective. A set of five nicotine cartridges costs around £8 and is equivalent to 500 cigarettes. Although the initial investment of an electronic cigarette kit of £50 may seem steep at first, users save money in the long run.

As with many popular products, there have been a great number of cheap Chinese imitations flooding the market. They are usually half the price of a branded electronic cigarette and look like the real thing as well. It is inadvisable to use these because they have not been subject to the same rigorous testing the official electronic cigarettes have and can potentially be highly damaging to the user’s health.

http://electronic-e-cigarette.us is one of the best resource to dig about electronic cigarette on the internet.find out more about electronic cigarette at http://electronic-e-cigarette.us here you will get ideas of electronic cigarette.for more information about electronic cigarette,please click the link

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