
Posts Tagged quit smoking advice

The Reasons To Quit Smoking Are True And Should Scare You To Quit

Smoking can make you feel good, makes you happy, and does not seem to do anything wrong. But that is where you made the mistake because it can do something to your health. So whatever are your reasons to quit smoking be aware that the truth should scare you enough to act now on your bad habit.

You probably think, “Hey! This makes me look cool,” I bet you thought that when you were a teen or you had just started smoking. But what do you think now? Are you still cool and hip when you are always short of breath even if you were just walking a few flights of stairs? Do not be surprised as smoking can take away your oxygen and make your lungs incapacitated to fully function one hundred percent.

So many people smoke everyday with the misconception that it does nothing to their body. When you started smoking did you think about what it would do to you, your family, even your money or job? Well if you did not, this may come as a real bad shock to you.

Out of all the reasons to quit smoking this one is the most obvious. Your health! Keep in mind that smoking can completely ravage and destroy your health. Time and again you will hear people got sick due to lung cancer, emphysema, mouth cancer and other serious illnesses and this is because of the compound in your cigarettes that affect you every time you light up one piece of cigars.

If you can only see what smoking cigarette can do to your lungs, I bet that might make you think twice before you start another stick. Think about, how the little cigars are filling your lungs with carbon monoxide and 4000 other chemicals, and while 400 of those are even toxic. It is like funding your own death and the time will come when you will harvest what you sow, and that can be any of the smoke related risk known to man.

Smoking can do more than just gave you serious health condition, it can also make you age faster than the average person. At the same time, nicotine, one of the addictive chemical can play havoc with your skin. It can become dry and wrinkly, so if you want to look like your father’s time or the old lady around the corner, keep on smoking your beloved cigar as that is what will happen.

Do not let any of the smoke related condition be the reasons to quit smoking for you, because you will not like it very much. Even the thought of bad breath should be enough to turn you away, but if not and you still want to keep smoking. I guess you will just have to get used to smelling bad.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking today review,cannabis coach review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: easy quit system review.

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Is This The Best Way To Quit Smoking?

People interested to give smoking have frequently asked me what the best way to quit smoking is. While there is a lot of products out there that seem to be designed to help you kick the habit, no all of them work and most of them are poor value for money.

If you are reading this, it means that you have already made a commitment to yourself to find the best way to quit smoking that works for you. Smoking is like any other drug, and that includes alcohol and can quickly become addictive. Not only does your body get hooked on the nicotine, but it also requires a behavioural change if you want to give up smoking.

The following are proven ways to help you quit smoking and you can use one or more of these combined. I also have one sure-fire way to give up cigarettes forever I will explain this a bit further down.

The steps to help you quit smoking are:

1. Try to stay away from other smokers. If you socialize a lot with people who smoke, then it is all too easy to accept the cigarette you are being offered and giving up will be harder than hanging out with non-smokers.

2. Find a hobby and keep yourself occupied with something you like. If you take up a sport your natural ambition will be to become fit and healthy and quitting smoking will be easier.

3. A local support group can offer you help and advice if you feel you don’t want to go it alone. Talking to people in the same situation as you are can help a lot. Just remember it is you who needs to give up cigarettes though and others can’t do it for you.

4. Consider going to rehab. Of course this is a quite radical step but if you have been smoking for a long time then this might be one of the best options you have. Simply make a vacation out of it and enjoy the company of people who are as ambitious as you are.

5. Reduce gradually. This will help you to quit smoking step by step. Simply count the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day and reduce the number by 1 cigarette every two days. This helps your body to adjust to the reduced amount of nicotine in your body. Some people believe that the best way is to quit smoking cold turkey but this is not for everyone.

6. There is another, very powerful way to stop your cravings for the next cigarette which is simple and quick to do. It is something I cannot reveal here but I have described it based on my own experience in my blog called ‘The Best Way To Quit Smoking’.

If you want to find out what was the best way to give up smoking for me, then see the link below for the stop smoking product I have used. If you are sick of trying quit smoking pills, stop smoking patches or gums then this might well be your solution.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking right now review,quit smoking right now review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: quit smoking right now review.

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Why To Quit Smoking Today – The Benefits Of Stopping To Smoke

Quitting is hard to do if you are a long time smoker; nevertheless if you put your mind and heart into really quitting, nothing is impossible. Besides why to quit smoking today has lots of good benefits and that is what I will certainly discuss here in this article.

Most individuals have already tried to quit not just ones but several times but only a few really succeeded in their endeavor. For those who succeed are very fortunate now as the risk of smoke related disease is almost or totally gone depending on how long they last smoke.

So no matter how low the level of nicotine are placed in your cigarettes you can still experience or become affected by one of the smoke related diseases and can still damage your health. Therefore, there are no level or safety net if you smoke as everything is just black and white and no middle ground when it comes to the heath.

The why to quit smoking today has its benefits but only according to how long you are without any nicotine in your system. So if you smoke at least a pack of cigarettes before or now the benefits you will likely experiences are below:

• 12 Hours without Cigarettes – By this time almost all the nicotine is already or in the process of getting out of your system.
• 24 Hours without Cigarettes – Carbon monoxide that has ingrain in your blood before would ultimately dropped. Therefore, more oxygen will be available in your bloodstream.
• 5 days without cigarettes – The by-products of nicotine are already gone and the sense of smell and taste would have returned by this time. Your skin and color would have also improved greatly.
• Within one month without cigarettes- The blood pressure will return to normal level and the immune system will also recover. Signs of recovery will also show in your body and feeling.
• Within two months without cigarettes – The lungs is no longer capable of producing extra phlegm otherwise not cause by smoking.
• After 1 year without cigarettes – The heart disease that is part of the smoke related risk is now half of those who still smoke. Hence, there is now more chance for you to live longer as the risk is not what it used to be.
• After 10 years without cigarettes – The risk of having cancer is now half again compared to the possibility of people who still smoke. This is possible of course if you are not yet diagnosed with cancer.
• After 15 years without cigarettes – The risk of stroke and heart attack is now the same as the individual who does not smoked his entire life.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking right now review,quit smoking right now review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: quit smoking right now review.

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Quit Smoking – 3 Ways To Kick The Habit

Everyone knows the dangers of smoking as the health risks are everywhere even on a cigarette packet. However, many people find it very difficult to give up even when they know the damage it can do to their bodies. For most people the health risk is not effective in getting them to give up. To give up smoking you need to take responsibility and make a commitment to kick the habit.

Here are a few suggestions to help you quit:


Although quitting is up to you the journey ahead can be made a lot easier by having the support of family and friends along the way. Whoever you choose tell them what you are going to do and make it clear how important their support is to get you through this. There may be a point where a relapse is possible and at this point the support of family and friends can make all the difference by giving you the courage and belief you need to follow through.

Another way to prepare yourself is to speak to your doctor to get advice on nicotine substitutes to help you with the withdrawal systems. Also, check support groups in your local area as going through this with people in the same situation will be a great help.

Set Your Goal

Writing down your goals is a very effective method in helping you achieve them as it makes it clear in your mind what you need to aim for. Begin by choosing a date that you will decide to quit smoking and write it down and put it in a place where you will see it every day. The next thing to do is write down your reasons why. This could be better health, more energy, more money saved or even whiter teeth. Writing these down will reinforce your commitment to quit.

The process of quitting can be done in two ways. The more drastic option is to stop smoking completely and the other way is to cut down gradually. The first method will bring on the withdrawals symptoms much quicker and more intense so, you need to be sure you have the discipline to do it.


Cutting down on the cigarettes gradually is probably the easier option. If you smoke ten a day then smoke one less cigarette each day. Prepare by giving yourself enough distractions to stem the urge to light up. Use healthy alternatives like fruits, mints or gum. If you feel the urge to put a cigarette in your mouth use one of those instead.
The most effective distraction is taking regular exercise. It also has the added benefit of keeping you fit and helps you get rid of the toxins in your body.

If you socialise with friends who smoke then avoid them until you have successfully quit. Make sure you explain why you are doing it so they understand. Change certain habits for example, a lot of smokers have the habit of lighting up after eating a meal. If you have this habit and you feel the trigger to light up get up immediately from the table and do an activity that will distract you such as washing the dishes.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read easy quit system review,easy quit system review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: easy quit system review.

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Facts About Nicotine You Might Not Know

The Indians are the ones who taught the whole world to smoke. The sailors from Christopher Columbus’s expedition have brought the first leaves of tobacco given to them by the Indian chief to Europe. They were unlikely to gain such popularity though if not for the legend about their healing power. The gullible Europeans started to use tobacco as a remedy for headache, fatigue, irritability. Not only was it smoked, but also chewed and sniffed.

The first scientific description of the healing powers of tobacco has been produced by the hand of the French ambassador Jean Nicot in the middle of XIV century (afterwards the main component of this plant has been named after him – nicotine). Soon the world saw a thick compilation of recipes, the main component of which was tobacco. And even though just half a century later there was a warning published about the dangers of tobacco and tobacco smoke for human body, by that time only a few people could say no to cigarettes.

Most of the smokers justify their habit by the supposedly calming effects of a cigarette. But psychologists strongly disagree with that opinion. According to them, the calming effect is caused not by the influence of tobacco smoke and nicotine but by the sucking reflex. Just think about it: a newborn baby calms down as soon as he gets Mom’s breast or a binky. The adults who want to quit smoking are not advised to regress back into childhood, there is a different recipe for them. Doctors advise those who suffer from emotional overexcitement and insomnia to drink a glass of warm milk or other liquid through a straw. Calmness and sound sleep are guaranteed.

The American scientists are trying to give a status of a medicine back to nicotine. They came to a conclusion that this substance can be beneficial if used correctly and in accurate dosage. They have noticed that smokers suffer from depression 50% less often and have tried to cure the non-smoking patients from this illness with the help of a nicotine patch. After 8 days the depression started to give ground. The American Journal of Psychiatry has published the results of the research confirming that nicotine’s reaction with oxygen forms a nicotinic acid.

This new derivative does not represent the poison any more, but rather the vitamin PP. Its effects on the human body are versatile: it calms you down and improves your mood, as well as stimulates the brain activity, motor function, and memory. Vitamin PP in the form of injections has been used by doctors to treat neurological patients. In other words, the scientists have concurred that the nicotine molecule should be modified in such a way that its effects are preserved but at the same time it did not cause a painful addiction such as smoking.

The medical dictionary describes the term nicotine as an alkaloid contained in plants of the solanaceous family – primarily in tobacco, as well as in tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, green bell peppers although in much smaller quantity. However none of the dietitians to this day have raised the subject of these vegetables quantities being potentially harmful for our health if consumed in large. Scientists have come to a conclusion that it’s not the nicotine or tobacco overall that is harmful, but the tobacco smoke. When it enters the body and cools down, it turns into resin, which accumulates in airways and paralyzes the cleansing process. Doctors specializing in lungs’ diseases consider this the main reason of oncological and many other illnesses – the lungs get more and more clogged and practically do not get cleansed. Therefore passive or second hand smoking – inhaling of the cigarette smoke – is no less dangerous than active smoking.

The doctors have a term “the face of the smoker”: deep lines leading from nose to lips, a net of small wrinkles in the corner of the eyes, hollow dry cheeks, sharp-cut cheekbones, and yellow-grey complexion, as well as the same yellowish color eyes and teeth, brittle hair with split ends. Of course such signs do not appear right away, but after several years of regular smoking. The recent twin studies (25 pairs where one twin smokes and the other one doesn’t were selected) showed that the skin of smokers is 25-40% thinner than those of non-smokers.

The more you have been smoking, the less collagen (the main protein of connective tissue) and elastin (a protein in connective tissue that is elastic and allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting) it contains and the worse its ability to restore. However the scientists reassure us at the same time: if you drop the harmful habit, the face complexion and the hair condition improves. The main thing is not to delay the decision making process, since the longer a person smokes, the longer the period of the reverse transformation.

According to the psychologists, the heavy smokers can be put into a special category of people – adventure seekers. Consciously, and very often unconsciously, they want to get a charge of adrenalin, disregarding the potential danger. By the way, the cigarette manufacturers don’t mind playing on it: a lot of cigarette commercials are related to extreme sports. No matter how serious and presentable the smoker seems on the outside, on the inside he or she is an eternal teenager. Therefore, when you chose them as a partner in life, think twice: do you really need this perpetual child with big ambitions and demands and reluctance to think about tomorrow?

Those who smoke the so-called “light” cigarettes are genuinely convinced that they harm their health less by doing so. The amount of nicotine in light cigarettes is indeed lower than in the regular ones, but our body experiences the same burden as from smoking regular tobacco. The reason for that is that the manufacturers of tobacco actively use various chemicals that are contained in each cigarette. They are hard and sometimes impossible to be excreted from our body. The resistance of some of them is simply impressive. For example, the chemical called dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) was widely used on tobacco plantations at one time. The ban of its usage has been passed almost 30 years ago, however up until now the remaining of this substance is still found in the soil and dried out tobacco leaves.

The very few of the future moms are ready to give up the harmful habit for the health of their baby. For example, in the US, where more than 2/3 of women older than 15 years of age smoke, even among those of them who are getting ready to become mothers, the majority are the smokers – 52-55%. In Great Britain 43% of pregnant women smoke, in Australia this number is 33-40%. Only 9% of the European women say that they are ready to give up the cigarettes if they find out that they are pregnant. Meanwhile, a smoking pregnant woman deprives her child daily of the considerable portion of oxygen and nutrients. Therefore even still in mother’s womb the baby lags behind other kids when it comes to height and weight, besides smoking poses a threat of the baby being born prematurely.

The doctors have been talking about the harm of passive smoking for a very long time. According to the data of various researches, diseases like dust and pets fur allergies, food allergies, stomach illnesses and even teeth cavities can be caused by the kids inhaling cigarette smoke. After many factors were analyzed – the kid’s age, gender, place of residence, the family’s financial situation, nutrition – the scientists have come to a conclusion that the kids of those parents who smoke even if they were born healthy, later on in life suffer from the above mentioned illnesses as often as those kids who have genetically inherited them.

We can count over a thousand of advices and methods on how to quit smoking. However those who suffer from this problem are not too lazy to constantly add to the list. The original method has been proposed by one of the English designers – an ashtray that can wean you from cigarettes. It can weigh the ash that goes into it and based on it display a sinister number – a number of days lost because of smoking. According to the creator, this method is based on the principle of saving just like with money: the less you have, the more careful you are about spending it. With the only difference that the health resources are not that easily replenished.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking right now review,quit smoking right now review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: quit smoking right now review.

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Utilise Herbal Solutions Like Lobelia To Stop Smoking Cigarettes

Stopping tobacco use isn’t an easy task; you should be 100% sure that you want to quit and also be prepared to do what’s necessary to succeed. The good news is that once you do choose to give up, you will find natural remedies that can help you go through the lengthy and difficult task. It is best to utilise organic treatments to embark on a more healthy lifestyle, and lobelia is an excellent plant-based remedy to make you quit smoking cigarettes.

Lobelia is a powerful herb which has lobeline as its active ingredient. This plant is a fantastic smoking cessation method: your system contains receptors that have certainly adjusted to the presence of nicotine. If you replace nicotine with lobelia, your system will be fooled into thinking that it’s getting nicotine since lobeline works like nicotine and also impacts the receptors in the exact same manner. The main advantage of lobelia in comparison with other strategies to give up using tobacco is that it is not addictive whenever utilized correctly and for only a short amount of time.

Here is an example that you can abide by with regard to the usage of lobelia: when you first start using the herb, you have to get a full-bodied, flavorful smoke from it. Next, you can mix it with a calming herb. When the physical aspect of tobacco use lessens, you could exchange the calming herbs for astringent herbs to replicate the heavy tobacco smoke that you’re used to. In order to break up all of the substances in your lungs, you may add expectorants and Mullein to the mixture. Once you have adjusted to that particular mixture, take away the astringent herbs and use only Mullein. When you reach this step, you’ll lose interest in smoking because Mullein will cause you to feel like you are not puffing on anything at all. This sensation will help you adapt to the lack of nicotine in your life. You can also implement adjustments to this technique when needed.

Lobelia can also be purchased in tea form. If you are planning to ingest the plant instead of smoking it, you should use just one teaspoon for every half gallon of water coupled with several other herbs.

Please take into account that lobelia is a strong remedy. Using too much of it would make you throw up. If you utilise an excessive amount but don’t throw up, you can have some difficulty in breathing from the herb’s tranquilizing effect. Even though it’s difficult to reach that stage given that you would have to feel terrible for a long time before it becomes harmful, it’s still wise to utilise only the suggested dosage and adhere to all instructions. Make sure to utilize just a little bit of lobelia with one bag of herbs, and use a bit more to get the needed effect. If it is too potent, you’ll be light-headed, nauseous and also woozy.

Lobelia is a strong tranquilizer and muscle relaxer, and also an expectorant. Your body would have another advantage with the use of lobelia: it boosts your immune system. Because it’s a strong plant plus the dose must be restricted at all times, do not combine it with alcohol or other prescribed tranquilisers. While it weans you off your nicotine dependence and aids in eradicating the physical aspect of the habit, it does not address the mental aspect; that part is up to you.

Several other herbal products may be used together with lobelia and also taken as tea. Goldenseal and Oregon Grape Root will aid you in removing nicotine from the lungs more quickly, while Willow and Oak herbs will help you control the headaches that you’ll have. If you want to remain calm, you should use Skullcap, Valerian or Parrot’s Beak. All of these herbal remedies won’t make the withdrawal symptoms easier to deal with; even so, it can accelerate the quitting process.

When compared with all the other techniques to quit smoking cigarettes, lobelia helps you kick the smoking habit more quickly, and with little to no health threats as well as probability of relapsing. Its imitation of nicotine makes it so popular, and its relaxing effect and also use as an expectorant are also quite helpful to quitters.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read easy quit system review,easy quit system review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: easy quit system review.

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Natural Ways To Help You Quit Smoking

Health is wealth. But we are not responsible enough for preserving it rather we tend to waste our wealth by damaging health unnecessarily and no innocence is there, we do it intentionally by cigarette smoking. Every time we smoke we lose our wealth bit by bit. There is no shortfall of excuses like we smoke when we are stressed because of work pressure, examination tension etc, if we don’t smoke digestion doesn’t happen properly, we don’t get sleep properly. We give excuses but without any logic. Did we start smoking when we were infants? Then how it became a part of our general body processes like digestion, sleep, tension? There is no answer. Smoking is all bad. There is no logic, no science that can prove that smoking helps us in any way.

So why are we still smoking? Just as a habit!! Can we imagine how dangerous a habit can be? It may demand our life one day. Let’s throw this bad habit out of our life right away. Once we are determined, there are several natural ways to quit smoking.

Let’s take a look.

Deep Breathing is a simple thing, but powerful in controlling the smoking habit. Whenever you feel like smoking, take deep breath rather the deepest breath you can take and exhale slowly, keeping eyes closed. You will literally feel that all your stress, tensions, and all craving feelings are leaving your body and soul and obviously you will feel relaxed. Repeat this for 3 times in a row.

Try a fluid diet. The day you decide that you will quit smoking start drinking lots of water and juices and depend on more fluid diet. It will flush all nicotine, other unnecessary and harmful substances out of your body. Try to say no to coffee, sugar, or alcohol. Coffee and alcohol are the best friends of cigarette and when you are quitting smoking don’t depend on these. These things accelerate the cravings for smoking and don’t let you stay strong on your decision. So, avoid them completely. High calorie food with more sugar content also works against quitting smoking. So for these days your diet chart should comprise of food with low fat, high protein and high fiber.

Substitute with healthy food. Till today cigarette was part of your life. Once you stop this you will feel a gap somewhere, like something is missing. You can choose to depend on some oral substitutes like chewing gum, mint tea or mouth sweetener etc at the times of the day when you usually used to smoke. This is not compulsory, but you can try.

Try to exercise. While quitting smoking there is a need for change in normal daily routine. You can start brisk walking or light jogging in the greenery. If that is not possible, go to gym, get a nice massage at spa, take steam bath and you will feel positive.

Next, try to relax. Feel positive and motivate yourself and inspire other smokers to lead a healthy life. Start nurturing an old hobby. You will feel like smoking was never a part of your life.

Ask for mental support if you need it. If you are not able to cope up with the craving feeling for smoking alone, try to get help from friends, family members. They can help you and retain you from feeling annoyed, engage you in some activity. Be practical and do no fool yourself. Be honest to your decision. Accept that you were a smoker and because it was not helping you in any way rather it was only harmful you are quitting it.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking today review,cannabis coach review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: easy quit system review.

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Harmful Chemicals Found In Cigarettes

As smokers, little attention is paid to the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes or chose to ignore them. Smokers usually think about the other minor benefits that we can overcome in other ways. Benefits like how it can help them cope with stress, calm them down, relax after a long hard day, a comforter.

Do you know or have you ever wonder, that cigarettes are one of few products which can be sold legally which can harm and even kill you over time!
Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals with at least 400 poisonous and more than 50, cancer-causing ones.

Three of the most widely known chemicals are nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide.

Nicotine is a strong poisonous and addictive drug. It acts as a stimulant causing heart rate and blood pressure to climb. Not only does it increase the stickiness of blood in you, it also decreases your blood vessels diameter thus increasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke.
It is the main ingredient in insecticides.

Tar is a black and sticky residue used to cover road surfaces. It clogs up the lungs and causes lung cancer.

Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas. This is the same gas found in car exhaust smoke. Carbon monoxide interferes with our respiratory (breathing) and circulatory (heart, arteries, and veins) systems.
It robs your body of oxygen making your heart work harder. Overtime, you get swollen airways thus letting lesser air into your lungs.
That is why smokers suffer from shortness of breath and lack of stamina.

Other harmful chemicals found in cigarettes smoke:

Used in nail polish remover and paint stripper.

Deadly poison found in rat poison.

Used in dry cleaning industry, also used to boost the impact of nicotine in cigarettes.

Benzene can be found in pesticides and gasoline. It is present in high levels in cigarette smoke. Can cause drowsiness, dizziness, rapid heart rate, headaches, unconsciousness. It is a known carcinogen and is associated with leukemia.

Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that is used in car batteries. Smokers typically have twice as much cadmium in their bodies as nonsmokers.

A pesticide used to kill insects.

Chemical used in preserving dead bodies. Known to cause cancer, gastrointestinal, respiratory and skin problems.

Hydrogen Cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide was used to kill people in the gas chambers in Nazi Germany during World War II.

The list goes on and on and it will be too long to list out all the harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke here.

The harmful chemicals found in cigarettes can cause or lead to but not necessary restricted to asthma, blindness, cancer, respiratory diseases, headache, nausea, dizziness, affect the reproductive system.

Of course smoking is a personal choice and it is ok if you suffer but don’t bring it onto others. Spare a thought for the non-smokers, your loved ones.

You may argue the fact that there are some who suffer the same diseases even though they are non-smokers and not subjected to all the harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke. However, have you ever thought that you may be one of the contributing factors?

Wilson is an ex-smoker, here to share his views on methods to quit smoking and help those trying or thinking to kick the addiction. It’s tough to quit smoking but it can be done.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking right now review,quit smoking right now review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: quit smoking right now review.

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How Can Women Drastically Improve Their Health? Give Up Smoking!

By now everyone knows that cigarette smoking is without a doubt bad for your health. Cigarette smoking is not biased in its unhealthy ramifications: It is as equally damaging and dangerous to women as it is to men. Nonetheless, women should be particularly aware that cigarette smoking may be more damaging to a woman’s health than to a man’s. For one thing, women can get pregnant. Because of this ability to nurture a new life in her womb, women with poor health or habits can inadvertently harm her own child by smoking. Consequently, if you were to make an argument for one gender to quit over another, you could argue that there is a much more significant need for women to give up smoking.

Nicotine addiction is known to cause many different illnesses in women. Along with living a generally unhealthy lifestyle, if a woman smokes on top of it, she is considered more susceptible to such things as vaginal bleeding, stroke, cardiovascular disease or heart attacks. There have been numerous studies that have shown that lung cancer is much more common in smokers than in non-smokers. In addition, it is considerably more difficult for a woman than it is for a man to “kick the habit.” Because woman are at more risk to become addicted and/or have difficulty ending their dependency on nicotine, these woman should definitely seek help in the form of supplements or other treatments if they need help quitting.

Are you addicted and wondering how to quit? If so, the most important step is to become educated on the ill-effects of smoking and nicotine. Because if you realize the harm you are inflicting upon yourself, it will be easier to make the argument to quit and stay clean from cigarettes in the future. For example, you can learn to avoid others that smoke cigarettes, or stay away from stores that sell cigarettes and tobacco products. No one said you have to ‘build Rome in a day.’ Baby steps are a good way to start.

But if these small tricks prove unsuccessful, a call to your doctor is definitely in order. There are several over the counter and prescription medications on the market that will help you to quit. They can be found in most drug stores or even online. But remember to always consult your doctor before taking any medication. The doctor will know whether or not the treatment in question is FDA approved. You want to be absolutely sure that the drug you are about to take will not cause more harm than good.

No matter what, though, you should definitely quit smoking for the sake of your own health. And it is doubly important if you are a woman. Hopefully you have realized by reading this article that a woman’s health is more affected than a man’s.

As a life-giver and nurturer, you are not only responsible for your own life, but that of your own offspring as well. And because you wouldn’t want to create an unhealthy life for another, you should respect your own life and health in the same way. Therefore, since you realize that smoking is a poor choice for your health, you should not take up the habit; if you already are addicted to cigarettes, now would be a good time to give up smoking.

Do you want to quit smoking? Read quit smoking right now review,quit smoking right now review to learn how to quit smoking . Do it now! VISIT THIS LINK: quit smoking right now review.

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Learn How To Stop Smoking Without Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Cigarette smoking is an extremely difficult dependence to defeat, and if you’ve puffed on cigarette sticks for decades, you’ll have a hard time stopping. So many people attempt to quit using tobacco without nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); within a few days, they realise that the task is actually beyond their control. In addition, the use of NRT would make some individuals have allergic reactions, which will then boost their inability to stop using tobacco. Everybody should be able to enjoy much healthier lives and improve their life expectancy, and stopping cigarette smoking the natural way and also without nicotine replacement therapy is going to lead to fantastic results.

Humans quickly develop habits as well as learn to do tasks in phases. This is especially true when it comes to improper habits, which happen to be acquired behaviours. When these improper habits turn into conscious acts, it indicates that these habits have been embedded within an individual’s subconscious mind as well as accepted as a natural part of living. Lots of cigarette smokers don’t realize that their own subconscious is an important ally when it comes to removing previous routines, setting up different habits or acquiring new attitudes. Hence, the result is that a lot of these people try to quit using tobacco and do not deal with the dependency’s mental component.

Any alternative therapy to quit using tobacco without NRT is made less effective if it’s commenced on the same day when a person makes up her or his mind to quit smoking; the lack of planning increases her / his odds of regressing. It’s crucial for people to make use of their own subconscious to forget smoking ahead of implementing a smoking cessation technique. Even though a person fully decides to stop smoking cigarettes, the subconscious doesn’t react that quickly in the case of ceasing a longtime dependency. Therefore, there are some things which should be done to guarantee success.

Right after deciding to quit using tobacco, you should come up with a schedule which accounts for the amount of time that your subconscious mind needs to adapt to the circumstances. Giving up cigarette smoking 4 weeks following your decision is sufficient. Over the next four weeks, you will need to remind yourself of the big day and include it in your day-to-day routine, preferably right before you sleep at night and once you get up each and every morning. It’s also highly recommended that you make a plan to stop smoking cigarettes as soon as you arrive at that specified day.

The subconscious mind responds favourably to suggestions; this is why hypnosis would be helpful as a smoking cessation method. The state of relaxation that an individual would be in during hypnosis is just like that found right before falling asleep and awakening, where an individual’s mind is most open to recommendations. Self-suggestion isn’t a difficult task, and it’s very simple for any individual to give themselves hints concerning how to improve their diet plan, shed a few pounds, etc. Then again, problems arise once an individual reflects on these tips. Reflecting on or going over an activity using your subconscious mind heightens your own cognisance and also rapidly removes your relaxed state.

You’ll have to have a routine each time you smoke throughout the thirty-day period. That ritual might comprise of holding the cigarette stick, looking at it carefully and taking note of its texture. Prior to smoking it, think of your approaching deadline. This will activate your subconscious mind as well as strengthen the significance of this particular day. If you purchase a pack of cigarettes, you could implement a similar routine.

Other techniques to quit smoking include acupuncture and herbal solutions. But you must bear in mind that while these strategies deal with tobacco users’ withdrawal symptoms, they do not enable them to forget about their dependency or cause the subconscious mind to overcome the dependence.

After one month, a lot of folks realize that stopping tobacco use is less difficult than they expected. They usually have fewer tobacco cravings and see that having a timetable and strategy bolsters their attempt to give up smoking. Aligning your conscious and subconscious mind would provide you with a terrific opportunity for success and won’t compel you to use nicotine replacement therapy. An additional benefit is that when you have achieved this endeavor, you’ll be a lot more confident to begin a much healthier lifestyle and sustain it for the long term.

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