
Archive for October, 2008

How do you stop smoking hash?

I am a habitual hash smoker. I have been smoking pot for the last 22 years. I have a life, and I work hard, but I just cant seem to knock it off. Im not a scruffy junkie or anything. But everytime I think I’ll stop, even for a week, I just end up frantic. My wife ends up telling me to go and get some and chill out a bit!
Im not anti drugs, and feel its anybodys right to do whatever they want, but has anyone got any good advice, maybe backed up with experience?
I havent been clean and straight for over 20 years now and I feel there is more to me than this.
I have lots of good memories, all of them with an under current of being a bit stoned and a bit dull because of it.
I have used pretty much all other drugs at some time or another, recreationally, but I always smoke pot every day.
So? Any good ideas? I dont want to have to hate it, so no exteme hypno, and all of my freinds smoke and I dont want to have to ditch them, so no big enviroment change therapies either.
Oh, and dont just judge me either. I am a good guy and I dont abuse or misuse other humans.
Just a bit fed up with it all, is all.
If I sound like someone who doesnt really want to quit its because I cant be bothered to quit…. which is kinda my point. Ive lost a lot of my ambition and will power. (lol) and it just seems easier to get stoned, although I dont even really get stoned anymore…..

Sorrt dude, just stop. I smoked pretty much every day for 15 years, my friends are pot heads too. I stayed in for a week, when I stopped to give me a chance to get used to it and then started my social life again without the pot.

There were no withdrawal symptoms, I don’t even particularly feel like I’m missing out on anything either.

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Has anyone out there had success with hypnosis to quit smoking?

Of course I wish I never picked that first cigarrette up, but I want to quit and have heard great things about hypnosis. Have any of you quit that way? The pills and patch didn’t help me at all. Thanks.

took 2 times but worked

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I underwent hypnotherapy to stop smoking and it worked so how how can they say smoking is addictive?

I did it in Aug. and have had no urges since and I smoked for over 30 years. I don’t see how they can really be addicive, what do you think? I think it’s more habit

i think something society completly oversees is how powerful our minds our. Mind over matter. If you ever experiment with hallucinogenic drugs, you will quickly realize this. Now though your on the right track with quitting by the half life of the radiation particles that is in tobacco last 30 years or so. So your chances of getting lunger cancer are very very high right now even though you quit.

Check out this article about some very interesting things you could be doing to help you now that you quit.

Congrats by the way.

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Does Hypnotherapy work for quitting smoking and how much does it cost?

A clinic called Health Awareness is in town and offering Hypnotherapy to stop smoking. Does this work and what is the cost as they didn't say in their ad except for a $10 donation when signing in.

I can't tell you the cost today but it does work. I paid $50 but that was 17 years ago. The key is you really really must want to quit. It doesn't get rid of the urge to smoke but it helps to lessen the urge. With that and your will you can succeed.

I have been off cigarettes 17 years now thanks to hypnotherapy.

Even if you pay a lot for the hypnotherapy at today's prices for cigarettes you can save a lot of money quickly while improving your health.

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Does hypnosis to quit smoking or to lose weight really work?

Has anyone out there ever had it done? For what condition? Did it work? How much did it cost?

It’s not too expensive, maybe $50 to $100 dollars per session, but I don’t believe it works. My cousin had it to prevent labor pain, but guess what? It didn’t work. Also, on the show MythBusters, they had 3 different people try different forms of hypnosis and it was proven to not have worked.

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What kind of therapy to stop smoking?

Its not just the nicotine. Its also the other 50+ chemicals they out in cigarettes. Also the main problem is habit.
We have been used to having body sensations which we translate as ‘my body needs something, which we have attempted to satisfy by having a cigarette.
When we try to stop smoking, we still get these ‘my body needs something’ sensations, and we still feel that we want a cigarette. We have to train our body to be more selective. When we feel we need something, we have to work out what it is that we actually need.
A glass of water is an excellent substitute if nothing else comes to mind, as it helps with the clearance of the toxic substances in our body. Another good substitute is a bag of salted peanuts, used in combination with the water.
Another thing to do is to find an activity which occupies the mind or body. Go swimming – nobody wants to smoke while they are swimming. Slowly, as our body adjusts and translates the ‘want something’ feelings into something other than cigarettes, then the feelings begin to go away. We know its not a cigarette that the body really needs, because as soon as we’ve had one we still have the feeling, and want another!

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EFT points demo www.StopSmokingeBook.org

Stop Smoking with EFT
guided by a leading stop smoking EFT practitioner

Duration : 0:1:13

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