
Archive for category smoking hypnotherapy

Learn How To Stop Your Urges When You Quit Smoking

Trying to stop smoking is a very hard endeavor. It entails will power and resolution just to be able to control the cravings that can accompany the withdrawal period.

As a smoker attempts to flush their body from the nicotine that they acquired…the body would continue to look for nicotine for it to be able to work properly.

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These cravings will make the smoker continue smoking so that the body needs can be satisfied. This is where the focus and power of mind should come in. They need to fight off the craving in order for them to begin a no smoking life.

Some smokers who are on the process of stopping resort to drugs to help them throughout the withdrawal stage.

Several medicines that are mentioned by the media are offered to the public to help fight the craving to smoke…and they are produced to give pleasure to the brain in the same way the nicotine effects the brain.

And because of these drugs…the smokers will feel exactly the same feeling as if they had just finished a cigarette…so as a result…there is really no need for the smokers to actually puff a cigarette.

Despite the help that you could get from drugs…you will still have to put in mind that you still require to put effort…in order for you to successfully overcome the resistance to smoke.

Be reminded that the initial few days of you giving up would really be the hardest…so you should be ready to face the difficulty. To be able to do so…you should attempt your hardest to stay away from things which might remind you of smoking.

For example…you may want to keep clear of places where you may encounter a lot of smokers…because you might belured to join them.

And did you know you can learn ways to stop smoking without the use of these harmful drugs…like patches…spray or gum.

For some people…they try to substitute a cigarette with healthier foods life cinnamon sticks or celery…to satisfy the need to have something between their lips… and if it is the hands which yearn for something to hold on…to try to replace the cigarette with a pen or something which will take its place.

If you are the kind of person who associates smoking with drinking…then you may want to avoid drinking alcohol as well. Keep yourself of the idea of smoking…and keep yourself busy so that you will forget the temptation to smoke.

If despite all your attempts to avoid smoking…you are still craving for a puff… you may want to try these few tricks just to satisfy your craving.

Light up a matchstick instead of a cigarette…and imagine that it is a cigarette that you are holding. This trick can cheat your mind…and it could satisfy your urge…and if it does not…you can always treat yourself with a refreshing bath. Think of why you are stopping…and stay focused.

Remind yourself of your objectives…and keep repeating to yourself that you are strong enough to win this battle against smoking. Don’t think that a single cigarette will have no effect on your battle to quit…otherwise you might begin from the very beginning again.

Do not be afraid to ask for your family’s and friends’ support… because in your journey to stop smoking…you need a strong support behind you.

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Stop Smoking Without Unwanted Side Effects – Quitting Smoking Can Be Painless With This New Method

Can you really quit cigarette smoking without unwanted effects? Quitting cigarette smoking is difficult mostly because of the many uncomfortable side effects that you can encounter once you newly stop smoking. But wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could possibly give up smoking effortlessly. Well, you can quite easily quit cigarette smoking when you select the right quit smoking technique.

Some of the negative effects you might experience if you give up smoking consist of trouble sleeping, anxiety, short temper, an increase in weight, sleep disturbances, and mild to severe headaches. Once you try quitting smoking you could experience a few of these but some unlucky people encounter every one.

And so just how do I know about all of this? Well, it was not too long ago that I was attempting to kick the habit myself. I needed to stop so bad but was working in a hectic job and had a young family. I knew I needed to quit smoking but whenever I tried the side effects started in and I would reach for a smoke when the cravings had got to be too much.

I made a promise that when I was able to quit smoking that I would do all I could to help other cigarette smokers conquer this deadly habit. I did manage to eventually give up smoking cigarettes but it was a unpleasant process. I must have attempted a hundred times before it eventually “stuck.”

Ever since then I have become a enthusiastic researcher of numerous quit smoking techniques. Of all of the different methods I have investigated and suggested the most powerful, by far and away, has been NLP.

NLP is short for Neuro Linguistic Programming but please do not let the fancy name frighten you. It is actually a type of hypnotherapy that has been around for many years. It doesn’t have to be administered by a doctor or expert, you can experience the benefits of NLP right in the home using a basic audio session that is readily available for download from the internet.

NLP functions by targeting and removing the cravings for smoking cigarettes. It is the cravings for smoking that lead to many of the side effects. Quitting cigarette smoking can be simple with NLP as a result of just how effectively it cleans away the cravings to smoke cigarettes. As a matter of fact it had a 97.2% rate of success in a newly released test of 5,000 smokers who took part in an NLP treatment.

So if you’re wanting to quit smoking without having unwanted effects you might be ready for NLP. Get the stop smoking help you have to have to help you achieve your ultimate goal to become smoke-free. NLP is powerful, simple to use, and can assist you to quit smoking with no unwanted effects that can often be part of the progression of becoming smoke-free. If you think you’ll need some stop smoking help to stop smoking then NLP could be the solution for you.

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The Way To Quit Cigarettes – The Secret To Easily Becoming Smoke-Free

Sick and tired of being a cigarette smoker? Sick of feeling like crap, coughing all the time, smelling like a cigarette, fearing for your wellbeing, seeing your hard earned money (literally) go up in smoke? Yet no matter how terrible you are feeling about cigarette smoking you still have no idea how to quit cigarettes.

Hey, I understand exactly how you are feeling because I have already been there too. Everything started off innocently enough, I suppose. It was about eighth grade, I changed schools and fell into a number of buddys that all smoked. Well, of course I needed to fit in so I snuck some of my Mom’s smokes (Viceroys, do they even make them any longer?) and choked down a couple until finally it felt natural.

Now I did not turn out to be a pack per day smoker from the very beginning but slowly but surely through high school and in to college I became a full time cigarette smoker. On it went for quit some time until eventually I eventually got the idea I didn’t want to smoke cigarettes ever again. I was feeling fed up with everything associated with smoking cigarettes. Well, little did I understand how hard it would be for me to give up smoking. I tried and tried, yet I had no clue how to quit smoking.

I rode the quit smoking merry-go-round for some years striving repeatedly and made a promise that when I could in some way learn how to quit smoking that I would do everything I could to help as many people as I could give up smoking. Well, I was given the gift of a smoke-free existence and now it is my turn to “pay it forward” and assist you to quit smoking as well.

In my years of smoke-free living I’ve reviewed the various methods of stopping smoking to see which ones turned out to be the most effective so I could suggest them to loved ones and close friends (including my Internet friends) and in my investigation I’ve uncovered what I consider (in my humble opinion) the secret to simply giving up smoking. I really believe that many individuals who have successfully quit cigarette smoking have done so simply because they found out this secret although they might not have even known it at the time. The secret?

The addiction to cigarette smoking lies inside the MIND and not the BODY!

Precisely what does this mean for you? It means you will want to make use of a stop smoking strategy that targets the mental dependence on smoking cigarettes rather than the physical dependence on nicotine. After you quit smoking the bodily addiction to nicotine wears off fairly quickly. However the psychological addiction can last a long time if not addressed and will lead you to begin smoking or never get comfortable as a non-smoker.

But if you concentrate on the mental dependancy you are able to very easily break the cigarette smoking habit. The easiest method to do this is with hypnotherapy. It’s the only quitting smoking method that is targeted on the psychological addiction to smoking. Using a distinct type of hypnotherapy called NLP is how to quit cigarettes permanently and nearly effortlessly. So if you genuinely wish to how to quit cigarettes the solution is to eliminate the cravings to smoke cigarettes from your mind. NLP based hypnotherapy is the best way to get this done. Research NLP a little more as your smoking cessation choice.

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Bristol Hypnotherapy Help Offered By Top Bristol Hypnotherapist To Help With Life’s Challenges

Hypnotherapy has been around for a very long time, although some believe that its current high standing in medical circles as a proper scientific field, has only really been achieved in recent times.

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Hypnosis itself can be traced back to the ancient lands of India, Persia and Mesopotamia. Practitioners usually used it on themselves, and usually without mysterious window-dressing. Whereas hypnotism was introduced to popular culture by Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). Mesmer was a sort-of-scientist, in a field which was the alchemy of his day, that of magnetism and electricity.

In 1842, English eye scientist Dr James Braid gave it the name ‘hypnosis’, from a Greek word for ‘sleep’. Jean Charcot brought it to modern investigative scientific study, and Yale professor Clark Hull’s work in the 1930s did much to develop a scientific understanding of it.

That’s the general timeline and history lesson of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. However, its real power and success comes from the area in which it operates: deep inside one’s mind.

The mind is the store of all of our memories, fears, hopes, ambitions, limitations, phobias and stored responses. And this store is what leads to our behaviours, our patterns, our thought processes, our decisions and our reactions.

That’s why performing specific scientific processes on the mind itself, is what can lead to the most remarkable changes on the outside. How we act and react; how we think and believe; how we behave or misbehave; what drives us and what repels us; what excites us and what scares us.

With the understanding of the mind’s main processes and correlations, a hypnotherapist can probe the issue of a patient and begin to reverse engineer it from its effect back to its cause. That’s why the hypnotherapist doesn’t have to be an expert in the area of the effect itself (e.g. smoking, eating disorders, confidence, flying, anxiety, etc.) but rather being the expert on the cause is what helps.

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The inner workings of our psyche – the environmental and psychological programming that dictates our belief structures and automated responses – is what drives every external behaviour. That’s why the key is inside; that’s where the hypnotherapist looks to unlock the door of the issue. Whether an addiction (to a substance, alcohol, smoking); whether an eating disorder (too much or too little); whether a fear (public speaking; flying) – the key is always in our thinking and programming.

Various techniques can be used to get at the core of the issue, such as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), cognitive dissidence, meditation, regression and counselling. All giving an insight into that internal programming. Once fully reverse engineered, the practitioner can then build up a new profile from the ground up. Limiting beliefs can be removed; thought processes can be rewired; empowering affirmations can be installed; reactions converted into positive responses. The key unlocks the door; the leg of the table (the cause) taken away to topple the table (the effect).

When looking for a hypnotherapist, always undertake the normal due dilligence checks you would do for any other service, such as a doctor, lawyer or accountant. Check references and qualifications, act on testimonials. Once personally and professionally verified, the actual process of hypnosis and hypnotherapy can then be undertaken with peace of mind. Safe, relaxing, powerful, reliable and highly effective treatments can suddenly or gradually remove some of the most challenging areas of your life.

Hypnotherapy is powerful and it works.

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The Effects Of Smoking During Pregnancy – Pregnant Ladies Quit Smoking To Defend Your Unborn Babies

Are you currently an expecting new mother worried about the effects of smoking during pregnancy? Pregnant women positively must stop smoking to defend their unborn babies. If there has ever been a moment to stop cigarette smoking, right now is it. It is possible! Once you know exactly why and the way to get it done, quitting smoking becomes a breeze.

Imagine for a moment a time in the near future after your baby comes into the world. Your new born infant; sweet, innocent, and wonderful. Now think about taking that baby right into a smoky bar or party, a heavy cloud of cigarette smoke hanging in the air coming from numerous smokers puffing away and you standing there along with your new child as they breathe in the poisonous, smoky air.

Hang on a second you say, I would never take my baby into such an environment. Well, in truth you are doing just that to your unborn baby, you are subjecting them to the many chemical substances and poisons in cigarettes, and there are a huge selection of them. Only you are doing it through the bloodstream your system nourishes them instead of through your lungs.

Please realize I’m definitely not questioning the love you really feel for your unborn child. I am certain that by now you already feel that maternal connection towards them. Because you are even reading this indicates that you’d like to stop smoking, I am only wanting to prove a point that your own smoking habit is poisoning your baby.

There are lots of unsafe effects of smoking during pregnancy. Expectant moms to be need to comprehend exactly how their smoking habit compromises the health of the child growing within them. The two biggest effects of cigarette smoking are reduced birth weight and also preterm delivery. Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy additionally can bring about harm to the placenta which also can damage your baby.

Quit Smoking right now! You already know why; here’s how. A pregnant woman needs to utilize a stop smoking technique which is all natural and that works rapidly. You do not need to utilize medications which are unsafe during pregnancy. In addition, you don’t need to utilize methods that will take quite a long time or even numerous attempts to work.

The quitting smoking method which satisfies these requirements is NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a kind of hypnotherapy that’s been used for many years to help people who smoke kick the smoking habit. NLP is a kind of hypnotherapy that works by elminating the subconscious desires to smoke. It is the best way to quit smoking during pregnancy.

Neuro-linguistic programming is very effective at helping people who smoke remove the outcomes of smoking. Pregnant Women will like understanding that NLP is an all natural strategy to quit smoking. What’s more, it works in a short time. NLP smoking cessation programs are available on audio recordings so all you have to do is listen to a recording to have your desires to smoke removed. So if you are really serious and want to quit smoking during pregnancy look more into Neuro linguistic programming.

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The Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes Pregnant Women Need To Be Aware Of

Pregnancy is such a fantastic time in a ladies lifetime. Thinking about their own little baby coming into the world is plenty to fill an expectant mom’s heart with bliss. Yet it generally is a daunting period also. Will her little one be given birth to healthy? Will there be any specific problems. It is simply normal for any woman to be worried about the wellbeing of her little one, there are plenty of stuff that can go wrong.

If you smoke cigarettes while pregnant then your worries are realistic, much more so than for a non-smoking woman. The effects of smoking pregnant ladies subject their infants to can range from detrimental to even lethal. Smoking during pregnancy drastically raises likelihood of your infant having troubles while pregnant and delivery. The leading considerations are low birth weight and also early delivery. Smoking during pregnancy may greatly increase the likelihood of either of these problems occurring.

To have the ability to avoid if not totally remove the opportunity of these effects of cigarette smoking from transpiring, it is vital that a new mother gets as cautious as possible about her health and well being. She ought to start thinking long term and not just for herself but also for the tiny existence that is inside of her. To guard the health of her unborn infant, smoking during pregnancy should be completely stopped.

Now there are several options for quitting cigarette smoking however an expectant woman must be mindful to pick a technique which is safe for her baby. She has to be sure to select a quitting smoking method which is all natural. A pregnant lady cannot even think about using pills to stop smoking because they will cause considerable injury to her little one.

And she undoubtedly ought not try to do it by themselves. Now is the time that it is advisable to stop smoking and attempting to stop “cold turkey” only provides a less than a 10 percent chance of successfully quitting cigarette smoking. You’ll want to get some help from an effective quitting smoking program that works quick.

An exceptionally successful approach that women that are pregnant can select to help them have a quit smoking pregnancy is Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP. This process has been employed for many years by stop smoking experts to help their clientele break their smoking cigarettes behaviors. It’s proved to be extremely effective and is an ideal method for expecting mothers to give up cigarette smoking.

Why is this? NLP is all natural. It is a highly effective type of hypnosis that works well by helping to eliminate the yearnings to smoke from your unconscious mind. As soon as these types of urges are removed it is very simple to quit smoking cigarettes. NLP is a very sound choice to help pregnant ladies safeguard their unborn babies from the results of smoking. Pregnant women who are seeking a safe technique to have a quit smoking pregnancy will want to look further into NLP as their own method.

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Smoking While Pregnant-Learn To Safely And Effectively Quit Smoking When Pregnant

Being pregnant is some thing that most women lengthy for. Each year, millions of pregnancies are incorporated within the world’s statistics. To other people this could imply that being pregnant is anything but extraordinary and can just be very easily gotten over with. In truth however, pregnancies entail sacrifices and a lot of getting care of on the part from the mother.

In order to avoid the poor possibilities from happening, it’s essential for the mom to take additional caution with her every day activities. At some time, she will have to quit the behavior along with other actions that happen to be ingrained in her psyche ad program. A single dependence that ought to be completely given up by a pregnant woman is using tobacco. Studies created more than the many years reveal a lengthy list of smoking during pregnany effects.

Between the typical outcomes of smoking during pregnany may be the incomplete improvement of the child as nicely as psychological retardation. It could also create issues on the health from the mom as hypertension and disorders within the respiratory program. Besides this the child can also develop congenital diseases. For this cause, it will be essential for the mom to totally shun away through the poor dependence if she really wants to deliver a healthy and fully produced child when time arrives. Most mothers are intimidated using the thought of having to withdraw from an old dependence. The whole procedure can be particularly stressful to mothers who have been heavy smokers for a lengthy time already. It’s a good point that there’s now a safe and natural technique that can be used in order for that would-be mother to have the ability to cease using tobacco without having having to go with the usual stresses encountered in other methods.

One of the most common natural technique that is used today by pregnant women to combat smoking during being pregnant effects is Neuro Linguistic Programming. This entails a alter within the psychological pattern of an individual and tries to alter the notion that smoking is prompted by stresses and unshared emotions. This method works by encouraging a mother to communicate a lot more freely with other people and to know within herself the issues that she needs instantly resolved. A routine can also be produced so how the mom will have the ability to create in herself activities that will serve as an outlet each for her creativity and qualms.

Neuro Linguistic Programming is an efficient way for the mom to have the ability to produce a diversion and thereby prevent having to resort to smoking once once again every time she feels like it. What’s best is always that as opposed to the other methods, this one’s inexpensive so anyone can already engage into this kind of without problem. The entirety from the process is just all about discipline and determination which creates it even more fulfilling when finished.

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Quit Smoking Permanently – Please Don’t Make Exactly The Same Error In Judgment Over And Over Again

One thing regarding Smoking Cessation is that can be done it all the time. Like Mark Twain mentioned “To cease smoking is the easiest thing. I ought to know. I’ve done it a thousand times.” However to be able to giveup smoking permanently may be the most difficult action to take. Perhaps you have stopped and pondered is there a distinction between “quit smoking” and “quit smoking forever”.

The distinction is tremendous. I and almost all of my smoker pals and contacts have giveup smoking at the least Twelve times in our lives. Nevertheless, by this day there are just three among all of us who’ve been able to quit smoking forever.

Let’s create a tiny statistic from this small-scale data. I know approximately A hundred and fifty smoker’s. Out of these folks 100 folks I know for sure who’ve tried to discontinue smoking cigarettes. Only Two have succeeded.

That makes just 2% of people who stop smoking are actually competent to giveup smoking for good. Now, this isn’t any hard fact. It’s only the statistics from the individuals I know. It could be different for another individual. Actually, these studies could improve in case a few of these Hundred people are in fact able to quit cigarette smoking permanently in the future.

Consequently is there a difference among those that do stop smoking permanently and people who’re still fighting their cravings?

1. The first thing will certainly be the motivation to do so. Unless you aspire to quit smoking eternally, you won’t be able to do it.

2. Perseverance. Until you are 100% driven you want to give up, you’re in all likelihood going to fail. If you say you could try out, you are likely to fail. If you say you may do your best, you are likely to fail. Unless, you claim that you will stop smoking, you’ll not be successful.

The thoughts that you use in order to approach your goal constitute your attitude and play a serious part in your achievement or failure.

3. Aids: Smoking assists can be found at various outlets as well as websites. Although, if you rely on these aids to assist you to giveup smoking, then you are in for a shock. Nicotine aids are fine only if you fulfill the above mentioned two factors. You need to understand that they’re “AIDS” and only may help you in giving up. You are the one that will need to carry out the main percentage of the work.

If you want to giveup smoking once and for all, then It is best to stick to the above three points. It’s not complicated for you to Quit smoking permanently, what’s difficult though, is to make a decision. Once you do make a decision, 90% of the battle is actually won.

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Pregnant And Still Smoking? Discover The Best Way For Expectant Mothers To Stop Smoking

Are you an Expectant Mother who is pregnant and still smoking? In case you are, then definitely it’s high time that you know and understand how cigarette smoking may tremendously affect your life and your baby also. Read on to understand the dangerous effects of smoking cigarettes in pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an experience which not every woman is privileged to experience. Due to this, it has always been treated with a big level of respect. In truth being able to successfully carry out a pregnancy is considered to be the truest essence of being a woman. It makes a lady feel complete and wonderful to bring a valuable life into the world. Although being pregnant is a beautiful thing and carries into the world a whole new life that could make the world a better place, the process is not all that enjoyable most of the time. An expectant woman has to endure nine months of health problems and pains and has to be sure she’s safeguarding the fetus she is holding in her womb.

While going about with her day to day activities, a mother must always ensure the safety of the baby. In addition , it means the mother needs to make some sacrifices of things which she likes yet is probably not particularly beneficial for her child to be. Key among these kinds of sacrifices is smoking cigarettes. If a woman becomes pregnant she quickly has to give of cigarette smoking to protect her unborn baby. Using tobacco during pregnancy results in numerous problems primarily low birth weight as well as pre-term delivery.

Attempting to give up smoking may be quite hard for an expectant mother just as it is for anyone else seeking to stop using tobacco. Her best bet is to utilize a stop smoking program and try not to quit on her own. She has a better possibility of stoppingsmoking if she gets outside assistance. Yet she has to be mindful to choose a quitting smoking system which is healthy for her baby.

It is a good thing we now have recognized natural techniques to be able to successfully withdraw from the bad habit of smoking cigarettes without having to face the usual tension and disappointment that could be harmful both for the mother and baby.

Probably the most successful of these is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is actually an all-natural stop smoking technique that is highly effective. It’s totally risk-free for women who are pregnant and still smoking simply because it does not depend on dangerous drugs or have unsafe side effects. It’s simply an exceptionally potent kind of hypnotherapy which will remove the desires to smoke just by listening to an Neuro Linguistic Programming audio recording. Thus if you are , protect your unborn child by giving up cigarette smoking utilizing a safe and effective Neuro Linguistic Programming based quitting smoking program.

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Hard To Stop Smoking? Here’s Why

Do you do it? Rolling up some dried leaves of the tobacco plant wrapping some thin paper around it and then putting a lighted match to one end of this little ‘stick’ and then sucking in the smoke which is produced by the burning leaves seems a strange thing to do. The smoke – and the chemicals in the smoke – are then inhaled into the lungs and taken into the bloodstream. (By the way, it’s estimated that around 4,000 chemicals are produced and inhaled in the smoke of a cigarette, many of these chemicals in other forms are deadly)

It’s curious as to why people would do such a thing. The World Health Organization estimates there are 600 million smokers around the world. That’s a lot of smoke – and a lit of dried tobacco leaves. It’s also known – not suspected or even ‘suggested’ – KNOWN that cigarette smoking directly links to fatal diseases. The predominant ones include a range of cancers and of course cardiovascular diseases. And of course the diseases that affect your breathing, the respiratory diseases. The facts are well known and well documented and I don’t intend to go into the details here.

But if people engage in this practice which is know to have such devastating side effects why do they do it and more importantly why do they have difficulty stopping? If you’re a smoker, I’m sure you have at least some idea that it’s hard to stop as most smokers at some stage, tried to quit. So let’s look at the main reasons why people find it difficult to stop – and stopping means no more smoking, ever, finish for good.

– Habit

Most of us develop habits – some are positive and helpful but others. The subconscious programs these behaviors as ‘normal’, the subconscious isn’t able to decide that it’s good or bad – it just has us repeating the behavior. At a conscious level we may know the habit doesn’t serve our well-being and yet we keep doing it. People often use the ‘habit’ word as an excuse not to change a particular behavior – but we can change. We all had habits as children which we have now let go of as adults – if those habits or behaviors were not good for us. (How many adults do you see with a baby’s pacifier in their mouth?) If you’re a smoker, you CAN let go of the smoking habit.

– Chemical addiction

There are over 4,000 different chemicals in the smoke of tobacco leaves and among those Nicotine is known to have addictive properties. Simply, the body develops a ‘need’ or dependence on nicotine moving through the bloodstream. The body has a dependence on many substances for survival, it has a dependence on ‘good’ substances ‘water is one, food and nutrition is another. Nicotine is not one of those the body needs neither are the other chemicals in tobacco smoke. In breaking this addiction, the body will react in a way that isn’t always comfortable – but of course you can, just like other smokers who are now non-smokers.

– Lack of willpower

“Oh, I’ve tried, but I just can’t seem to stop. I stop for a day and then I’ve got to have another cigarette.” Naturally you’ll need willpower and commitment to stop smoking. So this doesn’t show that the person wants to make a positive change to their health. Again, this is an excuse because willpower can be improved positively and there will be a definite improvement in well-being and long-term health outcomes.

– No desire to stop

Some people simply do not want to stop. They even claim it’s enjoyable and wont affect their health and and they’ll deal with any consequences – if and when they occur. “I enjoy doing this.” “I do it because I’m bored. It makes me feel good.”.” This somewhat fatalistic approach is often hard to counter. I have personal experience with a long term smoker who refused to stop smoking – and died prematurely of smoking-related cardiovascular disease.

– Peer pressure

Because we are ‘social’ animals, we like to associate with other humans. Often we are influenced by their behaviors and attitudes. Some people just want to do what their friends do – so, in this case, they stay smoking. It’s a’ thing’ – a behavior – they do this together. You can stop smoking – and still have your friends.

Let’s face it, we know the dangers of smoking. In reading this you may recognize the one or even more – of the reasons I’ve set out above that you’ve identified makes it harder for you to quit. But there are ways to become a non-smoker and it’s a matter of you finding out the best approach for you to let go of smoking – for good.

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