
Archive for May, 2011

Overcoming Nicotine Addiction For Good

In order to really quit smoking it is necessary to break the chains that smoking creates in your life. If you are addicted to smoking purely due to the nicotine addiction you are certainly not alone. This is one of the biggest reasons why smokers continue to smoke. It is also one of the reasons why the tobacco company sits around confidently while the economy struggles and people are cutting back. If you are addicted to their product, you are not going to cut back. In fact, if you are addicted you may find that you are using the product even more. This creates huge profits for the tobacco companies, and leaves you with a huge problem as you are struggling to get your addiction under control.

What is really surprising is the fact that people will have sympathy for someone who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling and a plethora of other addictions. However, the sympathy tends to stop at the idea of being addicted to cigarettes. This is a stigma that has affected society in a way that people are often laughed at for saying that they are addicted to cigarettes. Yet, the fact remains that people are in fact addicted. Learning how to control the addiction is critical to success, after all those who are addicted to drugs rarely ever just stop smoking cold turkey successfully.

You need to realize that you are addicted to smoking, and that the reason is typically due to nicotine. The exact manner that you get the nicotine is not important. What is important is avoiding the harmful effects on your body that smoking has. If you need to slowly cut back your nicotine consumption you are not alone, and to prove it there are dozens of stop smoking aids on the market. Several even offer small dosages of nicotine to help smokers deal with their nicotine addiction while still working to quit smoking. Looking towards products such as nicotine gum or even the patches may be your only help in quitting.

While there are plenty of tricks such as breathing exercises, magnets, and other stop smoking aids that you can use, many are not designed for people actually addicted to the nicotine. What you may not realize is that the bulk majority of smokers have become dependent on the nicotine to one extent or another. While some smokers rely much more on the nicotine than others, they are still addicted to an extent. It is important to break this dependence in order to actually be successful at quitting smoking. This is not an easy process, and it must be done carefully.

If you are not careful in the process of breaking your nicotine addiction, you could actually make things worse. For example, the nicotine gum and the patches come in different dosage levels. These levels coincide to the amount that you smoke. The intended purpose is to start at the level that you typically smoke at and slowly decrease the amount of nicotine that you consume each day. Slowly over time your addiction would be gone, however to crush this instantly you would just need to use a stronger gum or patch than you need for your smoking habit. A one pack a day smoker could create far more problems for themselves if they used the gum or patch intended for those who smoke two packs a day for example.

Being sure that you are using the proper dosages is critical. Ensuring that you are taking your time and carefully dealing with your nicotine addiction is very important as well. If you have the support of your friends, family and co-workers, you will have a much greater success rate. Just as those recovering drug addicts take things a single day at a time, you need to do the same for your nicotine addiction. Simply rushing out and attempting to quit could create a huge self-esteem problem and you fail to control the addiction to nicotine. Going slow and accepting your problem will set you up for a much higher success rate and improve your overall health much faster.

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Ensuring The Success Of Your Quit Smoking Program

You have decided for some reason that it is now the right time in your life for you to stop smoking. So you now sit around and try to decide exactly how you are going to get started. You know the deep inside you are in for a long hard road, but at the same time, you really want to stop smoking for good. The idea of quitting multiple times is just not attractive to you, so you are left with the task of creating a plan of attack that will work, and work well. You are likely to find this much harder than anything else you have ever tried to do in your life, and for good reason.

The number of people who fail at trying to quit smoking each year is astonishing. While millions are attempting to quit, there are still others who are starting to smoke. Everywhere you look there are smokers who are unintentionally tempting you to smoke again as well which makes it even harder for yourself. Trying to overcome these challenges is very important, because without being able to overcome these problems you will be completely unable to quit for good.

Starting with a good plan is essential and this begins with deciding exactly why you want to quit smoking. The reason really does not matter, but you need to know your reason. What does matter is you also should believe in your reason, if you merely pull the reason why someone else has quit that you do not believe in your experience trying to quit will be extremely rocky and full of problems. What you will need to do is spend a large amount of time trying to honestly decide why you want to quit smoking so that you have a good reason.

Once your reason is selected, the rest of the process should be much easier to deal with. What you do not always find immediately obvious is having a good reason to quit can serve as a huge motivation factor. If you are just quitting to quit, you are more likely to slip up on your goals, cheat and fall back into smoking very quickly. The remainder of the tasks such as creating a schedule, and even looking for the supportive guidance of friends and family will all be a simple breeze.

You will need to work hard to maintain your commitment. This means trying to avoid places and situations where you will be tempted to smoke. This means avoid the smoking areas of restaurants and bars, no going to tobacco stores, and certainly clearing the cigarettes out of your home. If you can find someone to help you quit who is interested in quitting themselves you will have a huge advantage. While not everyone does great with the buddy system, it is a great tool to use because you can hold each other accountable.

This level of accountability can be quite helpful in ensuring that you are really working to quit for good. So many people work to quit smoking and only end up starting up again once the going gets tough. A friend who is also trying to quit can serve as a fabulous way to really avoid the temptation since neither of you will want to slip up first. Use this to your advantage and watch your success grow while your health improves and cigarettes become a thing of the past.

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Stop Smoking

Working to Save Your Health – One Cigarette at a Time

Attempting to Stop Smoking is never easy; working to reduce your intake of cigarettes as well as actually quitting fully is always a hard process. If you have tried to quit cold turkey before, you have probably experienced a large number of problems. This is one of the hardest methods to quit smoking that there really is. This can really make the process of quitting smoking so much harder than it really is. If you have struggled to quit cold turkey before, there is still help available to you. Simply having trouble to Stop Smoking immediately does not mean that you are doomed to smoke forever.

If you are aware that you have had problems in the past quitting you are ahead when it comes to the next attempt. Being fully aware of your problems will enable you to create a plan to combat the complications that you experienced. For example, if you find that you are far too interested in smoking to just quit fully you might need to approach the process of quitting in a different manner. One of the most successful options you could pursue is quitting slowly.

Quitting all at once may be something that you are not capable of doing. This is not uncommon at all; in fact, many people have great difficulty if they attempt to quit cold turkey. If you take your time and quit slowly you will find that the process of quitting goes much easier. Slowly cutting out a few cigarettes each day will allow you to slowly decrease the amount of cigarettes that you smoke, without feeling as if you are completely suffering.

One of the most important things to remember if you are quitting slowly is you need to occupy your time during the period when you are typically smoking. If you have elected to skip smoking at specific times, you need to ensure you stay busy during these times. This would mean finding a way to keep your mind occupied that will not involve keeping your hands idle, after all if your hands are idle you are much more likely to slip up and smoke again.

If you find that you have a very strong temptation to smoke during these times, you need to create a specific task that you will do whenever the urge is strong to smoke. Looking into nicotine gum or possibly even chewing regular gum may be all of the help that you need to avoid the temptation to smoke when you are most tempted. Regardless of how quickly you are trying to smoke, you should always cut out no more than two cigarettes a day until you have established a successful pattern.

If you have gone a week with the reduction of two cigarettes successfully, it would then be time to decrease another two cigarettes. Going slow will allow you to easily see the point where you start to have serious problems, but at the same time build up your self-control. In the very least, you will begin to see improvements in your health due to the decrease of cigarettes that you are smoking still. Of course, as everyone knows, it is much better to simply quit smoking fully, but this is not always possible for everyone.

Making sure that you are successful the next time you attempt to quit smoking is going to involve a great amount of commitment on your part. Additionally, it will also take a serious desire for you to actually quit and improve your health. If you are merely working at quitting slowly you need to be aware of the potential problems and ready to take control of your habits in order to effectively make new habits that will set you up for a much healthier lifestyle. Avoiding the bad habits that smoking causes is certainly not easy; taking the time to really grasp at the small benefits that you start to achieve is critical to success and will find you in much better health.

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Making Your Next Attempt To Quit Smoking Your Last

Everyone has found themselves in the position at some point or another of second guessing their ability. This is certainly nothing new. The problem comes when you are trying to quit smoking and find yourself completely trapped underneath the stress of the situation. Trying to decide what you are going to do to regain complete control over things is critical. If you take the time to create a good plan that is firm you will find a much better success rate. Setting yourself up for success is one of the most important things that you can do in your attempt to stop smoking and failing to do this will often result in the cycle of continuously trying to quit.

The biggest thing that sets apart those smokers from those who successfully stop smoking is the desire to quit, and the determination to make it work no matter what. Someone who is just interested in stopping smoking might play with the idea for a short period of time. They may read a book, talk to their doctor but ultimately they do not take the time to make necessary lifestyle changes. In contrast, someone who is determined to quit smoking will read books, talk to their doctor, tell their family and friends that they are quitting. Additionally, they typically do research to determine the best stop smoking aids for them to use based on their own lifestyle and even start looking for additional ways to improve their health.

This difference is huge because it is often a clear signal of success, and what is nothing more than falling into the cycle of continuous trying. You have to make a clear decision that you are going to quit, and you have to sell yourself on the idea. If you are just trying to convince yourself that you might be able to quit, you are going to have a lot of difficulty really making it to your final goal. In contrast if you are absolutely certain that you can quit smoking, it just matters how soon you accomplish the goal you are moving in the right direction.

We as people are full of subliminal messages. Many of the messages that we are receiving come from others, but we are good at telling ourselves a lot of information as well. This means you need to train yourself to send the right subliminal messages. If you are eluding confidence then your messages are going to be positive, additionally you are going to find that as the urge to smoke appears it bothers you much less than someone who has serious doubts about their ability to quit.

Everyone knows that it is not easy to quit smoking. Being aware that it is not easy is not the same as setting yourself up to fail though. The difference is the fact that you recognize the difficulty and you are attempting to overcome the struggles that you think you are going to encounter. Merely allowing the struggles to blindside you in a moment of weakness where you find yourself smoking is not good for your goal to quit smoking. This can actually be very harmful because your overall self-confidence is crushed, and once crushed; it is really hard to get back.

If you set yourself up for success by admitting that it is not easy to quit smoking, and agreeing that you will stop smoking somehow no matter how difficult it is your commitment level will be much higher. Accepting the problems as they come, and working to overcome them is vital. You are going to find that you are much happier with your goal of quitting for good, rather than just quitting for a weekend. While it might seem like a good idea to break it down into just quitting for a weekend you will discover that slipping back into smoking is so much easier after the weekend is over, rather than deciding to quit smoking for good and aiming for that goal in all of your actions.

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Developing Your Stop Smoking Plans

You are out to make a complete change in your life so you decide to quit smoking. While the option has crossed your mind before, you now have a sudden desire to actually quit, and to do it for good. You no longer want to be trapped to the cigarettes that have held you hostage for so long. This means it is time to start looking towards developing a sure fire plan that will allow you to quit successfully and for good. You no longer want to consider the option that you will fail; you have decided to go full steam ahead and now is the time for action.

You are going to need to do several things, and that includes picking an actual quit date. Here is the catch though; this date does need to come. People every year decide that as a New Year’s resolution, they are going to aim to stop smoking, but January 1st comes and goes and they are still smoking. Rather than finding yourself in this position pick a day to quit and stick with it. On that day, all of your cigarettes need to be gone, and you need to be prepared mentally to kick the smoking habit for good.

You should also look into setting up a rewards program for yourself; use the money that you are saving by not buying cigarettes to fund it if necessary. A year of smoking can easily cost more than $1,800 so you have a generous budget to work with if you are working towards permanent results. Just be sure to look for things that you really want to help encourage you. If you merely rely on the financial rewards, or just the physical and health rewards you are much more likely to fail, combine several types of rewards to keep yourself really motivated.

As you are working to quit smoking you need to increase the amount of exercise that you are doing, you should also start to watch how you are eating. Many smokers find that as they quit smoking, they start gaining weight. This can often be a huge shock, but if you are exercising and eating right, you can minimize the weight gain to ensure that you are instead focusing on quitting smoking, rather than splitting your time between trying to quit smoking and trying to lose weight. Be prepared to pack on a small amount of weight but these small changes will ensure that you are not gaining large amounts.

A final consideration that you should take into account is your overall health. If you are in poor physical condition, you should discuss your plan to quit smoking with your doctor. While a doctor is not going to discourage your from quitting, they may have some helpful advice and information that is specific to your health situation. This can also be great because your doctor will be able to monitor your health to ensure that you can make the most impact in the quickest amount of time.

Simply trying to struggle to quit smoking on your own is not necessary. Using the advice from your doctor, as well as working with a well developed plan you will find that it is not as hard as you ever imagined. You are certainly in for a long and difficult road, but you will be able to find success at one end of the road, which will leave you in better health, and also help you to take pride in yourself for your accomplishment.

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Hidden Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Looking to gain the biggest benefits that you can out of your goal to quit smoking is not insane, rather it is a good idea. Knowing exactly what is in store for you as you attempt to quit will help to keep you encouraged, plus it can be a great reminder about exactly why you set out on the adventure of stopping smoking when the going gets tough. Making sure that you are most benefit possible is not only a wise idea, but it can also serve a huge benefit of ensuring that you take full advantage of the improvement in your lifestyle.

One of the biggest benefits comes in your health. You can decrease your risk of lung cancer, heart disease, heart attack, stroke and even high blood pressure to name just a few of the health problems that are experienced by smokers. While the time that it takes to decrease the risks vary, you should start to see an improvement in your health very quickly. This can be highly encouraging since you will be able to breathe better as you workout to stay in great physical health.

Money is another fabulous reason to quit smoking. With the average cost of smoking up to over $1,800 a year for a single pack a day habit, you are looking at a lot of money just burned away. Keeping the money in your pocket can do a lot for your budget. It could even mean the difference between being able to buy that incredible sports car that you have had your eye on. You might even decide to drop the money into a savings account and really get the maximum benefit, regardless of your choice you are going to be happy to hang onto the money, rather than burn it up.

Other benefits can include being able to keep your house, car and clothes smelling better. Everyone knows that cigarettes have a bad smell, and those who do not smoke can really pick up the smell. As your desire to smoke goes away, your desire to smell good will increase. This can lead to a complete top to bottom cleaning that will put you in a great mood. If you quit in the spring you could just consider it your yearly spring cleaning spurt. You will definitely love the increased sense of smell though, after all those gorgeous flowers in the yard will now have a reason to exist beyond just looking pretty.

The ultimate benefit that you will experience is your expected life span will be increased. What is better than finding the fountain of youth? Just by stopping smoking, you can significantly increase the amount of time that you are expected to live. This combined with the health benefits that quitting smoking offers you could find that you are looking at adding as much as 10 years onto your life. This is something that is absolutely huge, and just by quitting smoking as well. Most who discover just how much they can add to their life are absolutely shocked, but taking care of yourself and quitting smoking for good is a great benefit that you will certainly appreciate when you are older and enjoying those added years. Do not be afraid to live your life to the fullest, after you quit smoking you will have plenty of energy for a lot of great new activities that you can enjoy for years.

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Using Children To Stop Smoking Successfully

Using Children to quit smoking Successfully

If you have attempted to quit smoking you no doubt realize just how easy it was to get started smoking compared to actually quitting. Maybe the reason you are trying to quit is to set a good example for your children. This is one reason why many parents find themselves struggling to stop smoking. They do not want their children to grow up thinking that it is ok to smoke, and it is necessary that they quit in order to set a great example. If you find yourself in this position, there are several things you can do to help make the situation much better.

One such idea that you can use would be to actually invite your children to watch the struggle. This means asking your child to be your help and strength when you are tempted to smoke. Simply talking to them about your struggles to quit can be a great way to show how difficult it really is, while at the same time getting your issues out in the open. Many times talking about problems can make them seem much smaller. This is a great way to help fight the urges of cigarettes as well, after all many parents who have open and honest relationships with their children are able to talk about a lot of issues. Use this opportunity to talk about things that are important, and encourage the extra support that you receive at the same time.

If you are focusing more on your child when you have an urge to smoke, and less on where exactly your pack of cigarettes is located it will be easier to reduce urges. You should encourage your child to help you find out remedies to your urges. For example, going with you to the store to pick out suitable candy to chew on when you get an urge, or even going with you to the store to purchase the stop smoking aid of your choice.

Allowing them to be a part of your decisions can help them to see the exact struggles that you are going through. If you merely hide your problems behind a closed door, your children may grow up thinking that it is actually easy to smoke. This could even lead them to being tempted to smoke. However, just because you are trying to have an open relationship with your child does not mean that you should actually smoke around them. The harm that second hand smoke can cause should be enough to keep you from lighting up around you; however, you could ask your child to help you maintain a smoking log.

Of course, each family has different ideas about what is acceptable to talk about, and even comfort levels. If you feel that you are pushing the borders of what you are comfortable with you can always adjust this. However, using your children to help encourage you to quit is great. After all, kids are notorious for picking on people and pointing out flaws. If you allow your child to help you with your smoking urges you may find that you really do not want to smoke anymore at all if your children are busy picking on you the entire time. No matter what works best for you and your particular situation you need to grasp at any opportunity to encourage a bond and crush the urge to smoke. Your child will be very proud of you after you have quit, and you will certainly have a much increased self-confidence.

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How To Help Stop Smoking For Good

If you are struggling to quit smoking, you are certainly not alone. Each year there are millions of adults who choose to quit smoking. Each year there are also millions more who start smoking. This creates a never ending cycle of adults struggling to quit, learning the best ways to quit smoking is never easy. While there are plenty of excuses that tend to circulate all around, there are also several great resources that can be a huge help as you are struggling with the idea of quitting smoking. What might seem easy for you to master one day, might be your biggest headache another day.

It is extremely important to gain a thorough understanding of why you want to quit smoking. Simply waking up one morning and deciding to quit typically does not work. You need to have a specific reason that you are determined to quit. Whether your reason is for improved health, due to the request of your doctors, because you want to save money, or you just really want to be alive for your children. Ultimately, the reason itself is not important. The important thing is having a reason.

People who choose to quit smoking without an actual reason to quit find it much harder to quit. When the going gets tough, they typically have nothing to look at as an ultimate motive. What might seem entirely impossible for one consumer can seem like a total dream for others. If you find that you are in this position you need to sit down and really analyze your decision to quit. Decide on the specific reason and write it down if necessary so that you always have a reminder. You may be surprised at just how helpful it is to write your wishes down.

If you have to talk to others to help you decide upon the specific reason then feel free to do so. This can often be a great exercise to help you strengthen your resolve to quit as well. What might seem like a simple idea on paper may seem completely overwhelming if you start thinking about it. Talking to someone can help you to once again realize that it really is simple. Additionally, talking to someone about your desire to quit can be great to help you realize the temptations that you may encounter as well as ways to conquer those temptations.

Choosing to quit smoking is not an easy decision. The fact that you cannot simply quit is going to make it much harder. Many people find that they are absolutely terrified to quit smoking. They believe that they just do not have what it takes to quit successfully. Finding yourself in this position is often scary. It is important to have a good network of supportive people around you. From your friends to your family you need the mental support of people who believe in you. Feeling down is going to be normal at times, but your support network should be quite helpful in boosting your confidence again.

Gaining the strength to quit smoking will take some practice. Overcoming all of the temptation is difficult of course as well, but pulling support from your friends and family, as well as making a conscious decision to quit will go a very long way in your struggle. What starts as a completely overwhelming process will ultimately seem quite simple. You will be able to quit smoking, you might have difficulties but you will ultimate come out triumphant over the cigarettes.

Regaining control of your life is possible, and with your support network in place, you will be able to ensure you are around for a very long time, and your health is much better. Simply deciding to give up on your attempt to quit smoking is not possible. You will be able to regain control, using your own strength and pulling the support of those around you it really is possible to change your life for the better, one cigarette at a time.

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Assistance To Give Up Smoking – Five Successful Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

Each cigarette smoker is capable of becoming an ex-smoker. Occasionally a little bit of help to stop smoking is exactly what the doctor ordered to get you over the hump. So sit back, take it easy, and give me a couple of minutes to help you in your attempt to stop smoking.

The thing is, I’ve been there, right where you are now, DESPARATE to quit cigarette smoking. I believed I had tried out everything I could to kick my habit and that I had failed. I was bound to be a tobacco smoker for the rest of my life, at least that is what I suspected. But I was ultimately given the gift of a smoke-free existence. Why? I never gave up. I kept trying to quit cigarette smoking and I succeeded. You certainly can do it too.

Succeeding at quitting smoking is a mixture of the appropriate mind-set, tenacity, and getting help to give up smoking. I wish to provide just a little bit of help to get you started down the path to freedom from cigarette smoking. Listed here are a few guidelines that might help offer you a little insight that will help you gain independence from nicotine.

Do not think of it as “giving up” cigarettes. If you put it that way it feels as though you’re losing something or making a sacrifice. Rather, think of it as what you are gaining. You actually are getting a prolonged life, a much healthier body, more money in your wallet. Think of stopping cigarettes in terms of what you will be getting, not what you are sacrificing.

Make sure you stay positive. Keep a confident frame of mind about quitting smoking. Bear in mind, this can be probably the greatest and most beneficial steps you can possibly take. Constantly point out to yourself what a good thing you are doing.

Stop smoking for the right reasons. In the long run you really are giving up smoking for yourself. Sure, your family and friends will reap the benefits of you becoming smoke-free. But you will benefit the most. Kick the habit out of love for yourself along with the gains you will get from your choice to quit. You deserve a smoke-free life!

Value your choice to quit smoking. As I stated above; the choice to quit smoking is one of the most crucial decisions you will make in your lifetime. Respect that decision! Be ready to go to any lengths to succeed! Do not take it lightly, it is in the end a matter of life and death.

Get yourself some stop smoking help. There’s so much help designed for individuals who would like to give up nicotine. You will want to take advantage of the help that is available. If you fell off a ship in rough waters would you refuse the life preserver tossed to you? Definitely not, that would be silly! Same goes with giving up smoking, it would be foolish to not get some form of stop smoking help.

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3 of the Top Struggles to stop smoking
Most people can readily agree that the idea to quit smoking is rather terrifying. Giving up the comfort that smoking can provide is not easy, nor can it be done instantly. Struggling to quit requires a lot of honest talks, not only with yourself but also with your family. There are three major struggles that you will encounter as you are working to quit smoking. Being fully aware of these struggles will help you to create a plan to quit smoking for good that can help you to overcome these difficulties and emerge in better health as a non-smoker.

Struggle number one is going to find you looking temptation right in the eye. There is simply no other way to put it. Everywhere you look cigarettes and more cigarettes. The number of people who smoke is astonishing, and when you are trying to stop smoking it seems like the number is quadrupling around you. While it is nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you, it can still be rather difficult to overlook all of the temptation and still stick to your plan to quit smoking.

Anytime you find yourself overwhelmed by temptation you need to walk away. If you are at your job and cannot simply walk away, you need to develop a stress relieving strategy to fall back on which can help you to ignore the cigarettes that you see. To really help you avoid temptation you need to work at finding a place where you can eat your lunch away from the smokers and other temptations. Always be on the lookout because they are around, and if you slip up they will be there to lure you back into smoking rather quickly.

Your second struggle will be all of the questions that you are asked. Your friends and family of course are happy for you that you are quitting smoking. However, everyone is going to ask you why. This simple question starts to look like a huge issue after the third time you are asked why. Rather than allowing this tiny question to start eating at your resolve you need to ensure you are dedicated to quitting. If you start second guessing your reason to quit each time someone asks you why you are quitting then you really need to sit down and have a long conversation with yourself. Unless you are personally 100% behind your efforts, you will not succeed. You have to believe in the reason you are quitting smoking.

Your family will be there for you no matter what reason you choose. It is yourself that you have to convince, and this means that you need a good argument and reason. Nobody will ever argue with you as much as you will argue with yourself. When you are attempting something like quitting smoking the nagging side of yourself comes out strong as well.

A final consideration is looking at all of the products on the market to help you quit smoking. This might seem strange but this huge selection can be a big problem. You need to determine why you smoke in order to select the best product for your desire to quit. If you are a smoker because of stress, you need to resolve the stress. If you smoke due to nicotine addiction then you should look into slowly pulling off of the nicotine using either a patch, or possibly the gum.

Regardless of the reason you smoke, there is a product that is designed to help you. Finding the best product for your specific needs is not impossible, but it will force you to be brutally honest with yourself. If you are just completely unable to find the exact reason why you smoke try to start finding something else to do with your hands and mouth anytime you have the urge to smoke. For example, a stress ball and a piece of gum could be all you need. If you are smoking because you are bored, giving yourself something to do, even just squeezing a stress ball might be the release that you need to walk away a successful non-smoker.

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