
Archive for August, 2009

Effects Of Smoking While Pregnant – Warnings And Risks

Smoking and pregnancy equal’s problems- Smoking Pregnancy are two words that definitely do not and should not belong together. A woman, who smokes during pregnancy, exposes herself and her unborn child to immense health risks. This is obvious if you just take into consideration the fact that cigarette smoke contains more than 2000 component, which includes very harmful nicotine, carbon monoxide and cyanide. The majority of these substances is absorbed by the placenta and affects the baby without the mother even noticing a thing.

Fetal growth restrictions- The most concerning effect of smoking during pregnancy is probably that on fetal growth. A new born of a woman who smokes weighs approximately 170 to 200 grams lighter when compared to the average weight of non-smokers’ baby. This can be attributed to the narrowing of oxygen and nutrients transporting blood vessels, which leads to low birth weight and general ill health tendency for the rest of the it’s life. The amount of cigarettes a woman smokes has a direct impact on the level of weight reduction.

Research findings- Researchers have found proof that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of genetic abnormalities including cleft lip or palate, bowel, eyes, ears or spinal cord malformations or problems and last but definitely not least respiratory problems in the form of Asthma. Placenta abnormalities are also more common. It’s imperative to keep in mind that the effect of smoking goes way beyond birth. For example an increased risk of respiratory problem development as previously mentioned, during toddler or teenage years. The health benefits of quitting your much loved smokes are undoubtedly immense, this is particularly true and of great significance for pregnant women.

Putting the packet down- permanently will of course be the preferred choice but we all know quitting flat-out is easier said than done. Approximately 20 per cent of pregnant women smoke and over 50 per cent of the 20 percent smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day. An unbelievable four per cent of pregnant women manage to quit smoking within the first trimester of pregnancy. Its common knowledge that if you are able to quit smoking in the first trimester of pregnancy, that your chances of having a normal sized baby at birth increases almost to a 100 per cent.

This does, however, not mean that any level of smoking is safe or encouraged. Quitting always comes highly recommended. Reducing the amount of cigarettes you nip will still result in exposure of both you and your child to harmful substances, just to a lesser degree. If you find quitting your bad habit completely impossible-keep one very important piece of advice in mind- “more smokes equals more effects on your child”.

How will smoking affect actual pregnancy? – Smoking will without a doubt affect actual pregnancy and not just the unborn child. Smoking causes increased heart rate, hypertension and nervous system suppression, which not only effects the baby but can also increase the risk of developing complications for the mother, of which chest infections and blood clotting disorders are a common concern.

Other risks- Smoking during pregnancy also increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages, stillbirths, pre-mature births, placenta malformations, morning sickness often requiring hospitalization, bleeding, polyhydramnios, thrush and urinary tract infections including Candida.

Link between smoking and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome- Researchers have found solid proof of the link between smoking during pregnancy and an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Evidence also suggests an increase in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome if the father smokes while the mother is pregnant. Preferably both parents-to-be should quit smoking during pregnancy. Here the rule will apply again- the more smokes equals the more the risk of SIDS.

After birth tips – It’s absolutely imperative to keep your baby in a smoke-free environment at all times, no matter how practically impossible it may seem. Stop friends, family or even strangers from smoking in your home, vehicle or any other area near the baby.

Facts on second-hand smoke – Second hand smoke also known as passive smoke or environmental tobacco smoke comprises of burning cigarette smoke and exhaled smoker smoke. Medical as well as scientific proof exists to support the fact that the smoke burning-off a cigarette or cigar end actually contains more harmful substances when compared to the first-hand smoke inhaled by the smoker. Should you be one of those unlucky non-smokers who are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke, you will increase your and your new born child’s chance of developing repertory cancer, heart disease, emphysema, allergies, asthma, and other health problems, significantly. Babies exposed to second-hand smoke also have a higher risk of developing reduced lung capacity.

There are so many different variations of ways that smoking during pregnancy can affect the mother and the fetus. Trying to quit smoking isn’t an option at this point, it is a must. There is too much at risk for your own health and for your soon to be new born child.

How does smoking hurt your lungs
Quit smoking programs

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Quitting Smoking For Good With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is already a renowned method used in treating smoking addiction. An alternative medicine believed to have originated as far as 3000 BC in ancient China, this treatment is now being widely utilized for various medicinal and therapeutic purposes. It has been found furthermore to successfully treat drug dependence and chronic smoking addiction.

There are several smoking cessation medications and therapies available presently. However acupuncture is a recommended alternative procedure, especially where conventional therapies have already failed. The strategic insertion of needles in various parts of the body aims to treat the condition in a more profound and emotional level. A smoker needs to free himself from the physiological and psychological addiction of smoking, thus necessitating a more holistic treatment.

How It Stops the Addiction

The placement of needles is usually located behind the ear, or on the ear cartilage. This is where the calming effect takes place, curbing the patient’s cravings for more cigarettes. People who have a smoking habit are bound to take up the nicotine stick more often whenever they feel stressed, bored, or depressed. Needles are also often inserted on the hand and wrists to promote a steadier flow of bodily energy. The feeling of relaxation will help an individual think twice about lighting a cigarette again.

Furthermore, this treatment has been found to help an individual deal with the withdrawal symptoms better. This alternative medicine promotes better tolerance to pain and discomfort during smoking cessation. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe and may involve nausea, palpitations, and dizziness. Oftentimes, these same conditions will propel an individual back to his smoking tendencies sooner than later.

Nicotine is the addictive and toxic substance present in a cigarette. This is the same substance that makes quitting a big challenge for most smokers. The nicotine that you get from smoking will attach itself to the pleasure areas in the brain, making it hard for you to stop. Without a steady stream of this substance, a smoker will tend to feel depressed and uncomfortable.

People who have undergone acupuncture treatment reported that they no longer find cigarettes as tempting or as satisfying. Oftentimes, smoking would leave an awful taste in their mouths prompting them to stop their habit for once. Some patients would even resort to eating mints or lozenges to clear to get rid of the terrible aftertaste.

According to skilled practitioners, approximately 7 out of 10 smokers will successfully extricate themselves from their smoking habit after 2 or 3 weeks. While the others are unable to quit totally, these smokers will be able to cut down on their cigarette consumption quite significantly.

Treatment from Acupuncture Experts

It is very essential for a patient to consult with a skilled acupuncturist. A more personalized service will be provided by an expert, as well as added counseling for the patient. Moreover, an acupuncturist may prescribe herbal supplements to aid the patient in quitting efforts.

During treatment, filiform needles are inserted into specific points on the ear cartilage, as well as the hands and wrists. Normal procedures last for about 30 minutes. Body acupuncture can be used in combination with the ear and wrist needle placements. An acupuncturist may also utilize a mild electric current, to enhance the effect of the needles through the body.

The greatest advantage of this ancient Oriental procedure is the absence of side-effects during and after treatment. Unlike smoking cessation medications and nicotine replacement therapy products, acupuncture does not employ chemically manufactured substances. There is also no risk of weight gain during therapy. In conjunction with helping a patient quit smoking, it can also curb appetite, thus reducing food cravings.

If you have tried several methods in smoking cessation to no avail, perhaps it is high time you consider the alternative method that is acupuncture. With the right practitioner and the right frame of mind, there is no reason why you won’t be nicotine-free before long.

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Acupuncture Can Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking is one hard habit to break. If nicotine patches and gum doesn’t work, perhaps you should try something else like an alternative form of healthcare like acupuncture.

Acupuncture is an ancient practice involving the use of needles. This instrument is inserted into the skin to allow you energy or Qi to start flowing freely around your body and thus help you quit smoking.

When you go visit an acupuncturist for the first time and tell him or her that you want to quit smoking, after answering some questions, the specialist will carry out an examination of your ears and search for areas where the energy is low.

Once these spots are identified, these sharp needles are then inserted. Usually 5 needles are placed in various acupoints.

The treatment is finished after an hour and when the needles are removed, you are advised to wear ear magnets so your session continues even when you leave the clinic. While acupuncture itself is a painless procedure, some smokers have claimed that they felt a prick or get sleepy.

Most smokers will have to come to the clinic 4 to 6 times before seeing any significant results. Just to give you an idea, one study shows that the respondents reported a decrease in the number of cravings to smoke just after one or two sessions. Seven out of 10 of the respondents were able to kick the habit after 5 or 6 sessions.

Because the number of test subjects is small, there are some who doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture. This is because although there are positive signs with regards to the short term effects of this technique, its effects were not sustained. This is why some medical journals have stated that it is unclear what acupuncture can do in smoking cessation.

But you have to remember that acupuncture is not permanent. It merely starts something that you have to finish on your own. Some smokers who go 2 or 3 times a week to the clinic will need to come back for follow up sessions in the future.

At the same time, you have to find ways to prevent yourself from picking up a cigarette. You can do this by staying away from people who smoke since you will be tempted to ask for a stick. You can create your own personal mantra which you repeat to yourself every time you have an urge.

Remember that this craving is only short term and will last only for a few minutes. You have worked so hard to leave this behind so stick to the path and stay smoke free.

Acupuncture treatment for smokers should only be done by a license professional. You can do some research online to find out if they are accredited by the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, ask how long they have been in the profession, find out how many smokers they have helped and how much will they charge.

Once you have found one, you have to commit yourself to the program because both you and the acupuncturist have to work together to give up this habit.

Acupuncture can help smokers in the same way that it has helped addicts and alcoholics quit their addictions. You just have to try it even if you may not believe in it.

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Learn About New Smoke

People all over are starting to see the benefits of the smokeless cigarette. These people are all making the switch to this new healthy invention.

These new inventions are very similar to the normal tobacco cigarette. They look like, have the flavor of, and even feel like their conventional counterparts. But the differences are significant in that the Smokeless cigarette gets it’s identity because it produces none of the side effects of traditional smoking like tar, lit tip, up to 4000 kinds of chemical additives that often lead to very severe health issues, nor the carcinogenic effects of conventional cigarettes. However the differences in the two are great. The smokeless cigarette is called such because it does not create smoke. Because of this it does not have any of the negative side effect of normal cigarettes. They also do not create any secondhand smoke for others to inhale.

Ever since the Surgeon General proclaimed that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health, cigarette manufacturers have searched for ways to reduce tar and nicotine levels, in efforts to create a more safe cigarette. Nothing, however, has ever come close to the electronic cigarette.

This revolutionary new smoking alternative, not only simulates cigarette smoke but it also copies the temperature associated with dragging off a common cigarette which is 50 – 60c. This adds to the psychological habit without adding the hazardous substances which have proven to cause health problems.

When e-cigarettes first came out people where a little skeptical about them but now people are starting to see the light. Even the Medical Associations are beginning to see their benefits. E-Cigarettes are now created by a number of different companies throughout the world and are readily available across the United States and Europe, almost everyone who tries a smokeless cigarette makes the switch

These items are safer and have been proven to be a quick way to quit smoking. Because you can buy the cartridges with different levels of nicotine in them the smoker can slowly reduce the measure of nicotine they inhale. Many companies offer cartridges in milligrams (for example 8mg, 6mg, and 4mg) as well as just low, medium, high and none. While electronic cigarettes are not yet approved as devices for quitting, the future for the devices to be used as such is fairly obvious.

All of the corresponding limitations that come with normal cigarettes also apply to the e-cigarette. For example you can not buy them if you are under 18. Also all the risks with nicotine are still there so if you are pregnant or have a heart condition you should not use this device. But if you are a healthy 18 year old that is not expecting then feel free to reap the benefits of living healthier and getting that nicotine fix where ever you wish.

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You can also find out more here smokeless cigarettes

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How To Quit Smoking And Not Gain Weight

You have probably realized by now that what you put into your body has a definite effect on your well-being and the efficiency with which your body operates. You need not worry about gaining weight when you stop smoking if you recognize a few basic principles.

First of all, when you stop smoking, two things begin to happen immediately.

Quitting smoking will allow your body’s metabolism begins to work more efficiently. This means that your body will be utilizing your food more effectively.

On the other hand you will find that your food tastes better. Your taste receptors, drugged by years of constant exposure to nicotine, will once again begin to function as they should.

And so, because you feel better and because your food tastes better, you will be tempted to eat more than usual. In addition, for years you have been used to having something in your mouth. This makes it all the more tempting to indulge in between-meal snacks.

Understanding these facts, you can choose to establish new patterns which will bring you greater health and a longer life. Here is a list of nine health tips suggested by specialists.

1. Eat a good breakfast.

2. Eliminate between-meal snacks.

3. Remove empty and refined calories from the diet as much as possible. Eliminate or cut down drastically on all visible fats (cooking oil, margarine, usual salad dressings). Eliminate or reduce use of free sugar which includes usual desserts (ice cream, chocolate, cake, pie), jams or jellies, common sweetened cereals or sugar on breakfast cereals (substitute raisins), soft drinks or fruit drinks (may use fruit juices). Use fresh fruit rather than tinned fruit. Use unrefined cereals. Use brown rice rather than white rice, whole wheat bread rather than white bread even though enriched. Use cooked cereals for breakfast in preference to dry cereals. Don’t consume alcoholic drinks.

4. Reduce drastically the intake of animal fats.

A. Eliminate fatty meats (fish may be an exception).

B. Eliminate dairy fat (use skim milk or buttermilk in place of whole milk; use no cheese except skim-milk cottage cheese; use no butter).

C. Select proper non-fattening spreads for bread, and use these in small quantities only. Use some avocado, special margarine, or peanut butter in place of butter or regular margarine.

D. Beware of all baking goods – most are high in fat and/or sugar. E. Use only three eggs a week or less.

5. Eat a light fruit supper or none at all.

6. Get regular and moderate exercise.

7. Get adequate rest, fresh air, sun- shine, pure water.

8. Have regular medical checkups.

On the other hand, if you’re not ready to quit because you’re not quite sure how to deal with the stress of quitting (and gaining weight). There is help!

Ciggarest Plan is said to help you ease the stress and pain of nicotine withdrawal and gradually recondition your body in the absence of nicotine. In fact, it’s a whole lot easier to quit with Ciggarrest than quitting on your own.

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Best Stop Smoking Tips

Do you feel like you are fighting an impossible cause making an plan to quit smoking? Do you feel like you have attemptgiving up for too much time and are annoyed due to your failure?

Maybe you find it reassuring to grasp that you are not the sole one who did not stop smoking. Or maybe you find solace in the fact that a large number of smokers require multiple tries before eventually stopping smoking?

Believe it or not, it is understandable for you to feel that way, as a majority of people who attempt to quit smoking share that same feeling. However, it’s best to view these disappoints not as a timely reminder that you can not quit, but instead as a normal part of the journey to a cigarette-free way of life.

Any nicotine in your blood stream will not let you just stop. It takes hold of you with continual longings til you ultimately give in and pick up yet another smoke.

Those who smoke continually fight daily with their longings for more nicotine. It’s a substance that once in the body has a particularly hard time letting go.

Folks who have only smoked for 2 months can still discover giving up smoking to be terribly hard. People who have smoked for years and years, the postulate of stopping smoking is two fold.

Developing into someone who is fully smokeless can frequently take many months. In the demanding journey to becoming smoke-free, it is important that you guard this saying in your head : Nothing is extremely impossible, you can do it! And to help further in your journey, here are a few straightforward and effectual stop smoking methods.

Very deep inhaling is the most easy strategy you can use to help begin stopping smoking. Try and do these steps 3 times as you are feeling the desire to smoke.

Inhale in the deepest lung-full of air possible and slowly exhale, pursing your lips so that air comes out slowly. As you let our air, shut your eyes and slowly let your jaw lower onto your chest.

During the primary few days, drink masses of water to slowly flush out the nicotine and other chemicals from your system. Stay away from alcohol, sugar, and coffee, as each of them have a inclination to arouse the need to light up a cigarette.

Keep the intake of greasy foods to small amounts as the body’s metabolism might slow down a bit without the nicotine. A little dieting discipline is required.

There are plenty of oral replacements on hand in the shops at this time. One can use cinnamon sticks, dental gum, or man-made cigarettes as a replacement.

This will make it simpler for you to get over the requirement of popping a gasper into the mouth. Probably by the initial week of being a non-smoker, you may find that you’re going to not have any use for oral alternatives any longer.

Sweating helps you flush out nicotine thru your sweat. Also, if you notice yourself getting fitter and fitter each time you exercise, possibilities are you will feel disinclined to light a cigarette knowing pretty well what it will do to you.

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Electronic Cigarettes Showing Path To Helpless And Addicted

Smoking is injurious to health. How many times we look at the statutory warning mentioned on the pack of the cigarette and follows that. I guess no one as everyone is aware of the consequences of smoking but hardly quit smoking. When the situation becomes critical people are shown ways to rehabilitation camps where they are given medication and techniques to overcome the severe problem. Now also people does not realize how badly smoking affects the health but when asked to them that why do they smoke, the answer came as they have become addicted or just for fun or it looks cool when you smoke much like a style statement. School going children have also got trapped in its vicious circle.

Government has taken certain steps as the life expectancy is reducing at continuous pace. Steps like smoking in public area is banned which was considered a fruitful step actually didn’t turn out to be an effective step. Many people suggested eradicating smoking completely but according to law we cannot take their legal right. Going against the law was not possible. The point was no one gets hurt if something revolutionary came. We have heard of cigarettes but have you heard of electronic cigarettes. Most of the people would answer the question as no. Like any other common cigarettes, the electronic cigarettes are way better than the former in terms of health related issues. Electronic cigarettes contain nicotine as its prime ingredient which is very less harmful than tobacco based cigarettes. People can also feel the pleasure as smoke coming out of electronic cigarettes is due to its water vapors content. A electronic cigarettes have got the same look and feel as its former counterpart have got but the only difference is that electronic cigarettes does not harm your body or lungs whereas tobacco rich cigarettes causes serious health problems.

Now a day’s many companies have got the license to manufacture and sell nicotine based cigarettes as it is for the people and moreover, contributing effectively on global health issues. Every year many people die due to cigarette smoking but with new electronic cigarette technology life expectancy is increasing. Electronic cigarettes have started to gain popularity in different countries as it has got everything to please smokers. The new electronic cigarette technology has stunned the world with its work and contributing immensely to human society. We know that technology is spreading its legs in almost every field. The new electronic cigarette technology is not the best but one of the best outcome of technology and we wonder if technology can bring electronic booze which will not affect the liver but giving the same pleasure which we get after drinking it.

So from now onwards try to use the eletronic cigarettes if you can quit the smoking habit.

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A Look At Hypnosis And How Perception And Application Has Changed Over Time

Did you know that thousands of years ago hypnosis was thought of as black magic? It used to be a popular belief among many, but over time things changed, the mind sets of the human creature changed and the true identity of hypnosis emerged. Check out Learn hypnosis.

It is no surprise that so many individuals find hypnosis useful in their day to day activities. This is quite true with regard to clinical hypnosis, as many patients who suffer from smoking; increased stress and obesity have been able to solve their problems by simply practicing clinical hypnosis. People have started to realize the different kinds of benefits that can be achieved through clinical hypnosis. This is why even the doctors use this method to treat many conditions in their patients. Find out about hypnosis suggestion.

Clinical Hypnosis is known to be a very famous method used by the medical fraternity in treating many cases of behavioural problems in their patients. If you research more on this topic, you will find that more than thousands of people benefit each year through the use of clinical hypnosis. People who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are advised to go through the process of clinical hypnosis as this can help them overcome or reduce their habits up to a certain extent. Weight loss is another advantage of using this technique.

Unlike all the other hypnosis techniques that are available, what’s different with clinical hypnosis is that the hypnotized person is able to improve on their life style, health, etc. This is apart from having a relaxed, stress-free mind after the completion of the process.

Clinical hypnosis is usually done by expert physicians who understand that not everyone is the same. Patients who have ongoing medical conditions are advised to go through a different hypnosis technique whilst the rest are advised to use another.

Many people who have a desire to quit smoking, drinking alcohol and lose weight opt for this method mainly because clinical hypnosis carries the lowest risk unlike consuming some medicine and then later on have side effects.

Clinical hypnosis is not an easy task. It takes time and patience. It is not brain washing as some people believe. It involves your body and mind to take control and then commits you to doing what is right. For example, if we take a person who is a continuous smoker, then the idea to quit smoking could be done by clinical hypnosis.
In the early days, clinical hypnosis being used to treat patients with hysterical conditions. At a time when anesthetic drugs were not yet introduced, some even used clinical hypnosis for the induction of anesthesia in surgery.

Clinical hypnosis is also famously used to successfully treat irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pains that contribute to various illnesses, reduce pain associated with childbirth, treatments of burns, etc. In the present day, you will find dentists who use clinical hypnosis to reduce the bleeding and discomfort the patient goes through during oral surgery.

As children, many of us have always been afraid to go to the doctor. Going somewhere even close to a doctor would mean pain. Who wouldn’t feel it when you see them coming with their injections and their pasted smiles right? Luckily with Clinical Hypnosis, doctors have been able to become friendlier with their patients. Today, going to a hospital I believe isn’t so difficult as it used to be. Now check out explain neuro linguistic programming.

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Smoke Deter – Look Inside To Discover How To Stop Smoking

You could join a group of friends that do not smoke and that will act as guard dogs every time anyone of you reach for a cigarette. Admittedly, this does not work all the time for quitting, but that small iota of success is worth banking on. If you cared really about how they felt about you, they might be able to lead you away from smoking for life.
Smoke Deter
I used to smoke once, too. You know how I quit? I thought about my wife who really love me but who really hated the habit. It worked like a miracle. I think you should try that to. Not thinking about my wife of course, but about someone you care for and who hates cigarettes.

There is no way you can have trouble finding the next technique to try helping you get rid of your smoking habit; there are just way too many of those around. If you have tried one and it didn’t work, you can go on ahead and try another one. One of them has got to do it for you.
Smoke Deter
If you are a sports person, you can think of smoking as an opponent that you have to best in competition. If you see yourself winning, much the same way as you would see yourself winning in a race or some other athletic event, you can also win over the brown studded stick. But you’ve really got to believe in yourself.

You can stop smoking too, if you try hard enough, and if you get yourself the best kind of help that you can. Some psychologists know of ways to make you talk yourself out of the habit, and I think that is an idea that you can explore. And if it doesn’t work for you, try something else. There are lots of other methods that help to stop smoking.

I have stopped smoking before, and then relapsed. Now I have stopped again, and I’m still going strong with years under my belt. And all I did was walk away from it. You could too, if you wanted it bad enough.

Doing something physical has been known to help a lot of folks break their smoking habits. If you know of something recreational that you can do, then do it. If you don’t know of one, find it. There is no going too far when you are trying to break a habit like that.

One of the most clear and present dangers for smokers trying to quit is relapsing. You could have gone completely without smoking for weeks, months even, but if you suddenly gave in to the urge again, you could find yourself worse off than before. So, try to stop first, and then try not to go back to it.

You can attempt to stop smoking in the same way as you would handle being on a diet. When you are so hungry for a stick of cigarette to smoke, get into doing something else… or eating something that would not quite have the same harmful effects. You’d be surprised how many Americans have successfully stopped smoking this way.
Smoke Deter
Smoking is something that a lot of people are not aware to be dangerous to their health. Even if they do know, they don’t really KNOW the full impact of the danger of smoking. I must sound like I’m ranting, but it might interest you to know that not a lot of folks pay too much attention to the notices after the commercials. If you could launch an awareness campaign for the harmful effects of the habit, you would be helping millions of Americans who cannot seem to get away from doing that nasty thing.

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Unorthodox Therapy – Weight Loss Hypnosis


There are no effortless or painless ways of losing substantial amounts of weight. All the current slimming pills, devices and surgical procedures for weight loss are of limited effectiveness. Many of these so-called best weight loss programs carry significant risks and should only be contemplated in extreme cases. Many weight loss products and devices are frankly fraudulent. Substantial weight loss requires the body to be in prolonged energy deficit but we have evolved a very efficient body mechanism that drives us to eat enough food to prevent energy deficit. Our control mechanism may permit, or even encourage, overeating but nature makes energy deficit very uncomfortable. Medically, it is referred to as “Hynoscript.” Every person has an inborn weight control mechanism, a set point that attempts to maintain a particular amount of fat on the body.

When we diet we are trying to resist these powerful, natural urges that normally prevent energy deficit. Appetite suppressant drugs may reduce these drives, weight loss hypnosis may help us to resist them and dietary manipulations may maximize the satiating power of each food calorie. Ultimately, however, the dieter is still going to have to endure considerable discomfort and exercise considerable willpower to lose a lot of weight. Despite this pessimistic conclusion and despite all the hurdles, anyone who does achieve prolonged energy deficit will lose weight. Weight loss is not impossible for anyone if they are determined enough, persistent enough and if they have a sound weight loss program.

Most weight gain problems are the direct result of our own habits. We eat too much and exercise too little. This fact has advanced the healthcare and weight-loss industries as the largest in our society today. Many people each year disappointed with the orthodox forms of treatments seek out various methods to help them lose unwanted pounds, such as acupressure, magnet therapy, and weight loss hypnosis. There is still no concrete evidence to validate these therapies. However, if you want to try weight loss hypnosis, try to have an open mind but do not count on it working. The treatment of obesity through hypnosis or hypnotism can be helpful for people who are not able to resist the temptation to eat more food, in spite of being aware that obesity is a hazardous syndrome.

What you are trying to achieve by using weight loss hypnosis is a change in your eating habits or your set point that will keep you healthy and allow you to eat enough to reach and maintain your ideal weight. If using weight loss hypnosis you can keep your weight down for three years you will have established a new set point and it will be easy to maintain your lower weight. Think of your weight loss hypnosis as a thermostat that regulates your weight. It is nonetheless advisable to follow a low-calorie whole foods diet, along with your weight loss hypnosis. And as with any professional service, validate the hypnotist’s credentials and check references.


The responsibility for the success or failure of any weight loss hypnosis ultimately lies with the dieter rather than the hypnotist or therapist. The professional can only empower and encourage the dieter. This is a difficult concept for many dieters and professionals to accept. Normally, when we consult a doctor about an injury or illness, our role as “patients” is seen as a largely passive one – we are required merely to take the prescribed drugs. The professional’s skill in selecting and carrying out the correct treatment is seen as the crucial factor for successful recovery. Weight loss hypnosis is at the opposite end of this spectrum of control. In weight loss hypnosis, the expert can usually do no more than provide information, advice and encouragement. The success of failure of the treatment depends largely upon the patient’s ability to understand, interpret and successfully implement the treatment plan.

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