
Archive for April, 2009

Stop Smoking Ebook – Cold Turkey Quit Smoking

I found out that there is no such thing as cold turkey stop smoking.

That’s a strange phrase too, isn’t it?  What does a cold turkey have to do with smoking cigarettes, or stopping smoking cigarettes?  I don’t know, but that has always brought up a very strange image in my mind whenever I think about that phrase.

I read somewhere that a drug addict’s skin starts to get goose bumps when they go through withdrawal.  There was another reference to it somewhere, but wherever it came from you know that it means to stop a drug without any support at all.

Stopping smoking using no support or using a cold turkey approach, isn’t a very good way to stop smoking.  I think the reason for that is that we don’t have any training in how to do a cold turkey withdrawal.  And if you want to know why, just read on.

The reason why cold turkey is a poor way to quit smoking is that there is no such thing as cold turkey quit smoking.  Anyone who has successfully quit cold turkey – and it’s a very small percentage of successful quitters-have something very important in common, and it’s not strong will power!  No way, will power has nothing to do with changing behavior in the long term.  Will power is a very short term product.  Will power will be useful in getting you started in the direction you want to go, but it just won’t get you to the goal post.  What will get you to your ultimate goal is resetting the programing in your subconscious mind.  And the way to do that is through self hypnosis.  Anyone who has quit using cold turkey has naturally used self hypnotic techniques to successfully quit smoking.  The only reason that  so many people fail at cold turkey quit smoking is because they haven’t been trained in using the techniques, and most people don’t know how to do it naturally.

Using self hypnosis is something we are all capable of doing, but it’s like snapping your fingers.  If no one ever showed you how to snap your fingers, you probably wouldn’t have discovered it on your own.  Can you imagine what a tragedy it would be if you never learned how to snap your fingers?  Of course I’m just kidding, but the only reason that you know how to do that simple act is because someone showed you how to do it and then you practiced it until you were able to it.

I invite you to take some free instruction on how to do self hypnosis so that you can effectively use the techniques to stop smoking cigarettes forever.

Fill in the form on this page or for a better version you can go to the stop smoking by hypnosis website.

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